Rachael Novicki
Sustainability is vital for our planet. We only have one planet so we need to learn how to sustain it. Most people are aware that we need to sustain planet how but they don’t know how!
Contact sustainability speakers to come to Latin School and talk to students in the dining hall. Provide Latin School students with the opportunity to learn how to sustain our planet because us students are the future of what our planet holds.
Get students informed about easy ways to sustain Earth. Get students to bring these habits they learn into their homes and to their communities. Have people understand that a few small tasks go a long way.
$500 Which will be divided up to $25 worth of healthy snacks to lure students to sign up for the speakers. 20 speakers over the course of this project
A short questionnaire will be handed to the students who attend the seminars and then collected as their exit ticket. I will tally up the answers and record if students learnt a lot from the lecture. Also, the number of students who attend will demonstrate the popularity.