Krista Streff MBC Final Project May 14, 2007 Krista Streff MBC Final Project May 14, 2007 How employers can more effectively provide retirement planning education to employees in the workplace
The retirement savings gap “ 71% of all adults plan to work in some capacity for at least nine years while retired” – Journal of Financial Planning “The average worker needs to save $11,400 more annually to be on track for retirement” – PlanSponsor “64% of employees have never estimated the retirement dollars they’ll need” – Benefits Quarterly The Facts
Retirement plans have changed significantly Employees are responsible to save for their own retirement Employers must educate employees Employees are responsible to save for their own retirement Employers must educate employees
Current employer programs Potential for programs is great Difficult to drive desired outcome Current communications lack impact Need to determine most effective ways to educate employees Potential for programs is great Difficult to drive desired outcome Current communications lack impact Need to determine most effective ways to educate employees
5 Research Question “Is employee participation in employer-sponsored retirement plans positively influenced by corporate communication initiatives?”
6 Methodology Sample of 180 employees working for companies offering a retirement plan Online survey with 27 questions Respondents given two weeks to complete the survey Sample of 180 employees working for companies offering a retirement plan Online survey with 27 questions Respondents given two weeks to complete the survey
7 Response 116 respondents (64% response rate) Diverse sample 40% male and 60% female Represented 12 different industries Ages 18 to over 65 Variety in number of years until retirement (40% had over 20 years, 23% had under 5 years) 116 respondents (64% response rate) Diverse sample 40% male and 60% female Represented 12 different industries Ages 18 to over 65 Variety in number of years until retirement (40% had over 20 years, 23% had under 5 years)
8 Identifying the missing link 91% said company retirement plan was important to achieving their overall retirement savings goal 100% of respondents’ companies offered retirement plan(s) Yet 40% were dissatisfied with retirement planning communications 91% said company retirement plan was important to achieving their overall retirement savings goal 100% of respondents’ companies offered retirement plan(s) Yet 40% were dissatisfied with retirement planning communications
9 Response to current communications Respondents asked to rank how often they read retirement plan communications from their employer. Often Quarterly statements70% Plan change announcements51% s 44 % Home mailings44 % Materials provided at meetings36 % Interoffice mail33 % Intranet postings14 % Respondents asked to rank how often they read retirement plan communications from their employer. Often Quarterly statements70% Plan change announcements51% s 44 % Home mailings44 % Materials provided at meetings36 % Interoffice mail33 % Intranet postings14 %
10 Response to current programs Current employee program participation levels General educational sessions 46% Individual meetings28% Retirement modeling software24% Web-based seminars/online videos20% Participant call center12% Traditional videos 1% N/A (programs not available) 25% Current employee program participation levels General educational sessions 46% Individual meetings28% Retirement modeling software24% Web-based seminars/online videos20% Participant call center12% Traditional videos 1% N/A (programs not available) 25%
11 Retirement readiness To what extent do you agree with this statement: “I am confident that I will be financially ready for retirement.” Strongly agree14% Agree44% Unsure/undecided31% Disagree 8% Strongly disagree 3% To what extent do you agree with this statement: “I am confident that I will be financially ready for retirement.” Strongly agree14% Agree44% Unsure/undecided31% Disagree 8% Strongly disagree 3%
12 Employee estimated retirement savings needs 35% estimated under $550,000 Mean account balance for workers is $53, Plan Sponsor survey, 2005 35% estimated under $550,000 Mean account balance for workers is $53, Plan Sponsor survey, 2005
13 Impacts of education programs Improved results for employees with employer education programs Employees with education programs 30% more confident Employees with education programs were saving more - 82% saving at least 4% of salary vs. 63% of those without education programs saving the same Improved results for employees with employer education programs Employees with education programs 30% more confident Employees with education programs were saving more - 82% saving at least 4% of salary vs. 63% of those without education programs saving the same
14 What drives employee behavior? Motivators Employer incentives Employer incentives Personalized programs & communications Personalized programs & communications Simplified enrollment process Simplified enrollment process Education seminars Education seminarsDe-motivators Competing financial needs Competing financial needs Uncertainty of how plan works Uncertainty of how plan works Dissatisfaction with the plan Dissatisfaction with the plan Difficult enrollment process Difficult enrollment process
15 Are employer’s communication efforts working? Yes…. some types of communications and programs are effective in positively influencing employee behavior
16 Emphasize employer incentives Company matching contributions #1 motivator Simplify messages 30% aren’t participating due to lack of understanding Personalize communications & programs Help with calculating personal retirement savings needs #1 motivator for non-participants Emphasize employer incentives Company matching contributions #1 motivator Simplify messages 30% aren’t participating due to lack of understanding Personalize communications & programs Help with calculating personal retirement savings needs #1 motivator for non-participants Effective education programs…
17 Simplify & personalize all communications Share best practices across the company Keep employees’ needs & motivators top of mind Advocate for financial education programs in the workplace Simplify & personalize all communications Share best practices across the company Keep employees’ needs & motivators top of mind Advocate for financial education programs in the workplace Next steps
18 Questions?