Sexually Transmitted Diseases STDs & Teens: A Reality Check
Why teens are at high risk? Teens and young adults are more likely to: Have multiple partners, Engage in unprotected sex.
Young women are: More likely to choose older partners, Biologically more susceptible to Chlamydia, Gonorrhea and HIV.
STD and Teens: Statistics 12 million new cases each year 3 million are among teenagers 13% of youth 13 – 19 contract an STD each year
Chlamydia Found in 20 – 40% of teens (most common) Caused by bacteria. Silent Disease: 65-80% of females and 20-30% of males show no symptoms. May cause sterility.
Gonorrhea Highly contagious bacterial infection. Also known as the “drip” or “clap”. May cause sterility, arthritis and heart trouble.
Herpes Viral infection. Herpes Simplex 1 (HSV1) – a.k.a. “cold sores”. Herpes Simplex 2 (HSV2) – genital herpes. Deadly to newborns and infants.
Herpes (continued) Rate of new infections highest in late teens and early twenties. 15 – 20% of teens are infected with herpes. Chances of infection increase with age.
HPV No cure – viral. 28 – 46% of women under 25 are infected with HPV. May cause cervical cancer. Genital warts affect 1/3 of all sexually active teens.
Syphilis Highly contagious bacteria. Can affect all parts of the body. Three stages – may lead to death. Rates among teens are low.
Safe Sex Sex = oral, anal and/or vaginal Abstinence. Male Condom. Female Condom. Oral Barriers (Dental Dam).