Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving Successful Team Trust Common goals and purpose Shared responsibility and leadership Program expertise Process expertise High communication Respect for people and ideas Focus on important results Managing change 1
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving Team Building Role as facilitator – Stay on the sidelines – Nurture the team’s progress towards their goals – Guide the team’s growth as a team – Celebrating successes as they happen – Ultimate goal: teach the team to guide and coach themselves 2
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving Trust Team members: – Feel part of the group – Are concerned about the well-being of members – Believe that other members are capable – Feel competent in their tasks and roles – Are open and honest with each other Team Manager role: – Focus on relationships – Help the team set guidelines around respectful behavior – Create opportunities for success 3
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving If the team is struggling: Remember that conflict is normal Present an IC that you know the team will master Have the group talk about the talents they see in each other Take a field trip to a playground Play games that involve touching – Group Knot – Ring around the circle (Hulahoop) – Tag – Blindfolded Walk – Team Shapes (with or without rope) 4
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving Common Goals and Purpose Team members: – Set their goals together – Accept and agree on goals – Commit to the work necessary to reach those goals Team Manager role: – Help the team brainstorm goals – Facilitate agreement – Inspire the team to reach their goals 5
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving If the team is struggling: Use creative problem solving tools to help with generating ideas Ask open-ended questions – What do you bring to the team? – What do you hope to learn this year? – Imagine yourself unloading your props before tournament, what do other people see? What are you most proud of? Create situations where they have to reach a common goal – Have each member bring $3. Take them to the grocery store and have them purchase dinner that they all will/can make and eat. – Have the team build a one-page collage that demonstrates their goals for the team – Ask the team to bake and frost a cake without speaking 6
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving Shared responsibility and leadership Team members: – Understand role on team – Assume leadership for their area of the project – Follow-through on accepted tasks Team Manager role: – Assist each member to recognize the strengths and skills of other members – Help members to understand and use their individual strengths and skills – Encourage team members to rely on each other and to help each other 7
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving If team is struggling: Have team members take turns being the leader for Instant Challenges Set themes for snacks/meals and have each member bring something in the theme. They can eat it when everyone’s contribution fits the theme (all orange food, food from movies, etc.) Divide the group into pairs. Tie hands of pairs and have them work to complete a simple instant challenge while combined. Hold a simple three-legged race (then try tying three people together, then four, etc.) Chair game 8
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving Program expertise Team members: – Understand the Challenge – Know the Rules of the Road – Know how to find resources to help – Use the clarification process when needed Team Manager role: – Understand the Challenge – Know the Rules of the Road – Know how to find resources when the kids ask for them – Understand and avoid interference 9
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving If team is struggling: Read the challenge as a group Read several Instant Challenges; and ask the team to identify the most important tasks During IC, stop the team while they are still generating solutions, and have each team member write down what they think the goals of the challenge is and compare. Have team read published clarifications Encourage the team to submit up to 10 questions to the clarification system Look at videos of other team solutions (find copy of the challenge on the video) Remind team of their goals 10
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving Process Expertise Team members: – Learn and apply tools to help them solve the challenge – Able to define the problem they are solving – Understand the creative problem solving process Team Manager role: – Teach CPS skills – Teach idea generation skills – Facilitate teamwork 11
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving If the team is struggling: Review CPS skills and other idea generating tools Review team goals Practice Instant Challenge regularly Discuss team member work styles and how they work together for success – Explorers look for new and different ways – Developers improve what already exists – Process oriented members focus on the task – Person oriented members want to maintain harmony – External processors discuss ideas immediately – Internal processors need time to think Play games together 12
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving High Communication Team members: – Listen carefully – Share information and knowledge – Contribute ideas – Are honest and respectful Team Manager role: – Teach listening skills – Ensure two-way dialogue – Help team leave judgment out of idea generating – Keep interactions positive and excited 13
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving If the team is struggling: Practice listening skills 15 minutes before the end of the meeting, recap accomplishments and set goals for the next meeting Require team members to restate the most recent idea before they add another of their own Teach the team to use “yes, and” rather than, “yes, but” or “no” Play silly games Start the meeting with a check-in question – – What did you learn at the last meeting? – What are you most proud of this week? – What does the team need to know about you? 14
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving Respect for People and Ideas Team members: – Use respectful language when generating, evaluating, and choosing ideas – Appreciate the different skills and strengths members bring to the team – Ensure that conflict is focused on the issue not the person Team Manager role: – Expect respectful language and attitudes from all team members – Identify team member strengths – Remember that conflict is vital to a creative solution – Interrupt and refocus negative conversations or attacks 15
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving If team is struggling: Have members sit side by side. Write the conflict on a piece of paper and put it in front of them, ensuring that they are focused on the conflict rather than each other. Have them generate potential solutions. Share your observations about the strengths the team has Have team members write down nice things about each other Have the team list nothing but crazy, unrelated ideas until they are laughing and giggling Have each team member observe the other members doing an IC. Then have the member list the strengths and good ideas he/she observed 16
Creativity* Teamwork* Problem Solving Tips Performance Instant Challenges are team building exercises – start with them Have fun/be silly together at most meetings – including you! Interrupt conflict filled moments with a tag game or run around the block Enjoy the kids – a good relationship with you helps build healthy team relationships 17