District Six Junior / Senior Playdowns 2015
Specifics to Observe Only a player can warm up a pitcher Player must have mask & glove on for warmups. Catcher must have mask with dangling throat guard (even if they have the hockey style mask), glove, chest protector, shin guards & JOCK or JILL Once game starts, all participants stay inside field except to warm up pitchers Keep players, coaches and equipment in the dugout (except for player in on deck position) Keep game moving; restrict warmups / visits to ½ minutes Observe the ‘on-deck’ position and situation Player with helmet on (not on deck) retrieve bats
Bench / Dugout Manager and two coaches maximum (max 14 Jr / 16 Sr players in uniform) Players must wear conventional uniform (shirt, pants, stocking and cap) At least 0ne adult at all times Only players on the roster No injured players wearing casts Not allowed out without permission Coaches/Players request time; only umpires grant time
Disruptions in Play Typically because of weather Take careful note of the game situation (tournament table) Do not discuss game situations with umpires or oppontents during the delay Cannot call game because of lightning (refer to tournament director) Be aware of curfew limitations
Injury / Illness Courtesy runner is not permitted Injured runner receives a substitute Para 8 “…the decision of a doctor (if present) or medical personnel will be final as to whether or not the player may continue in the game.”
Mandatory Play Junior At least 1 time at bat (13 + players) At least 6 consecutive defensive outs + 1 time at bat ( 12 or fewer players) A substitute must fulfill obligations before being removed, except for injury Managers are responsible No exception to this rule unless the game is shortened for any reason Failure to meet is basis for protest
Senior Substitutions “Any player in the starting line-up, including the designated hitter, who had been removed for a sustitute may re-enter the game ONCE, provided such player occupies the same batting position as he or she did in the starting line-up” “A substitute (non-starter) may not re-enter the game in any position once that player is removed from the line-up” EXCEPTION – all substitutes have been used and a player on the field sustains and injury.
Substitutions / Re-entry Once in the game, position in the batting order is ‘fixed’ Substitution announcements/made Rule 7.14 special pinch runner will apply once/inning; once/batter; once/game Senior: pitcher can return once in game, but only if they have remained in the game
PITCHERS JUNIORS May pitch in two games ( condition is that pitched 30 or less pitches in first game) Pitcher remaining in game but moving to a different position, MAY return to pitch, but only once per game Pitched 41 or more pitches – cannot play position of catcher for remainder of that DAY Suspended games – may continue if no more than 40 pitches were delivered. –If 20 or less then the count begins at zero –21 – 40 begin at the number of pitches thrown
PITCHING: Junior Ages No Rest1 Day2 Days3 Days4 DaysMax
EXCEPTION If a pitcher reaches a day(s) of rest threshold while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 1. that batter reaches base, 2. that batter is retired, 3. the third out is made to complete the half-inning. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest for the threshold he/she reached during that at-bat, provided the pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to another batter. MEANS – pitcher throws 50 th pitch to batter. Allowed to complete that batter as above (only 2 day(s) rest required).
PITCHERS SENIORS No more than two games per day (condition – pitched 31 or more pitches CANNOT pitch in second game) Pitched 41 or more pitches – cannot play position of catcher for remainder of that DAY Suspended games - Pitcher of record at the time of suspension may continue if no more than 60 pitches were delivered. –If 30 or less then the count begins at zero – begin at the number of pitches thrown
PITCHING: Senior Ages No Rest1 Day2 Days3 Days4 DaysMax
EXCEPTION If a pitcher reaches a day(s) of rest threshold while facing a batter, the pitcher may continue to pitch until any one of the following conditions occurs: 1. that batter reaches base, 2. that batter is retired, 3. the third out is made to complete the half-inning. The pitcher will only be required to observe the calendar day(s) of rest for the threshold he/she reached during that at-bat, provided the pitcher is removed before delivering a pitch to another batter. MEANS – pitcher throws 60 th pitch to batter. Allowed to complete that batter as above (only 2 day(s) rest required).
EQUIPMENT Throwing Equipment = Ejection (There is no requirement for warnings) Helmets Team must provide at least 7 NOCSAE approved batting helmets will be checked before game if possible Cracked will be removed Chin straps, if worn will be within 2 finger widths under chin
EQUIPMENT (JUNIORS) Bats – 34” length 2 5/8” diameter if wood 15/16” minimum at handle If fully composite must be BBCOR rated (drop -3) If hybrid must have a BPF of 1.15 or lower Wrapped with tape maximum 17” If metal and no longer round will be removed Will be measured before first game and indicated as compliant. All new bats must be checked before usage (purchased during tournament).
EQUIPMENT (SENIOR) Bats – 36” length 2 5/8” diameter Drop of -3 designation if wood 15/16” minimum at handle Wrapped with tape maximum 17” If metal and no longer round will be removed Will be measured before first game and indicated as compliant. All new bats must be checked before usage (purchased during tournament).
ILLEGAL BATs (Tournament 3a) In all Tournament levels and divisions, the penalty for use of an illegal bat, if discovered before the next player enters the batter’s box following the turn at bat of the player who used an illegal bat is: The batter is out (NOTE: The manager of the defence may advise the plate umpire of a decision to decline this portion of the penalty and accept the play. Such election shall be made immediately at the end of the play), and The manager of the team will be ejected from the game, the batter who violated the rule will be ejected from the game, and the offensive team will lose one eligible adult base coach for the duration of the game.