Bell Questions 1/11/11 1.What are the three levels of biodiversity? 2.What group of organisms has the most unknown species? 3.A _______________ is critical to the functioning of the ecosystem because it affects the survival and abundance of many other species.
Biodiversity at Risk mass extinction - extinction of many species in a relatively short period of time We find mass extinctions in the fossil record.
Mass extinction
Previous Mass Extinctions million years ago – caused by a drop in sea levels as glaciers formed mya – cause unknown, maybe cooling seas
3.251 mya – massive volcanism at the Siberian Traps and loss of oxygen in the seas (biggest extinction 95% species) mya – volcanism that made Atlantic ocean, global warming 5.65 mya – asteroid impact and volcanism in India
Current Extinctions 25% of species have or are expected to become extinct between 1900 and 2100 different than past extinctions because humans are the primary cause
Species Prone to Extinction 1.species that migrate 2.species that need large or special habitats 3.species that are exploited by humans Large populations that adapt easily to many habitats are not likely to become extinct.
Species Prone to Extinction endangered species - has been identified to be in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant part of its range, and is protected A threatened species - has been identified to likely become endangered in the foreseeable future.
Endangered & Threatened Species in Utah Plants (22) Bear-poppy, dwarf – E Buttercup, autumn – E Cactus, San Rafael – E Cactus, Unita Basin hookless – T Cactus, Wright fishhook – E Cycladenia, Jones – T Daisy, Maguire – T Milk-vetch, heliotrope – T Milkweed, Welsh's – T Phacelia, clay – E Primrose, Maguire – T Reed-mustard, Clay – T Reed-mustard, Barneby – E Ridge-cress (pepper-cress) Barneby – E Townsendia, Last Chance – T Tresses, Ute ladies' – T Cactus, Siler pincushion – T Kodachrome bladderpod – E Navajo sedge – T Shrubby reed-mustard – E Winkler cactus – T Deseret milk-vetch – T
Mammals(3) Ferret, black-footed – E Prairie dog, Utah – T Canada Lynx – T Birds (3) Mexican spotted owl – T Southwestern willow flycatcher – E California Condor - E Snails (1) Kanab ambersnail – E Fishes (8) bonytail Chub – E humpback Chub – E Virgin River Chub – E Squawfish, Colorado – E Sucker, June – E Sucker, razorback – E Lahontan cutthroat trout – T Woundfin – E Reptiles (1) Desert tortoise – T Endangered & Threatened Species in Utah
Vermilion Cliffs of the Paria Plateau (1 Mar 2005) by Dave Rintoul ©David A. Rintoul
California Condor Flying near Cages (1 Mar 2005) by Dave Rintoul ©David A. Rintoul
Condors Feeding (1 Mar 2005) by Dave Rintoul ©David A. Rintoul