By: テイラーとケイトリン
associated with motorcycle clubs and gangs black & bright colours leather, chains, plaid black eyeliner
pink makeup & long eyelashes tan or very light skin huge hair, wigs clothes with a lot of fur & rich materials, animal prints high heels hair rarely dyed white, never unnatural
high school girl choose styles going against school standards have a need to stay “ かわいい ” Tanned skin Fake nails
pictures of popular Disney characters Cartoons stick-on earrings "panda" make-up orange, hot pink, teal blue, or bleached hair Long hair with multi-coloured extensions
early to mid twenties (age) reformed previous style to sophisticated Tan themselves and dye their hair
characterized by Jamaican flags red, green, yellow clothing straw handbags, hemp clothing
become larger, most recognizable 4 different styles Gothic Lolita (1 st style) ; influence from Eastern & Victorian Goth style, dark colours, crosses, bats & spiders, and other icons. Skirts= knee length w/ petticoats. Blouses 7 shirts= ace trimmed or ruffled. Knee length socks with boots, bonnets, brooches
Sweet Lolita (2 nd style); childlike, characterized by baby animals, fairy tale themes, childlike attire, inspired by baby dolls & hello kitty, pastel colours, black, dark red, blues. Large headbows, purses, elegant parasols, stuffed animals (bottom picture) Punk Lolita (3 rd style); experimental, mix of punk with Lolita. deconstructed, crazy, keeping silhouette (top right) Classic Lolita(4 th style); traditional, mature, business-like, light colours; blue, green, and red. (top left)
wrapped around body, usually left over right Even when machine-made, parts are sewn by hand silk is the ideal fabric Worn by men, women, children
Fancy kimonos are made from silk (left picture) typically made from rayon, cotton, polyester, and other synthetic fibres (right picture) pattern= what season it should be worn in (ex. Spring= butterflies)
Women, up to $10,000 complete (kimono, obi, ties, socks, sandals, accessories, undergarments) easily exceed $20,000 usually not that expensive, most no longer made of silk made of man-made fibres thriving business of second-hand kimonos some cost as little as 500 yen ($5) price range from very formal to casual, depending
Furisode- 振袖 (swinging sleeves) for unmarried women, long sleeves (top left) Hōmongi- 訪問着 (visiting wear) for both married and unmarried women, patterns flowing over shoulders (top middle) Iromuji- 色無地 ; single-coloured, worn by married and unmarried women (top right) Komon- 小紋 ; small, repeated pattern, casual, married and unmarried women (bottom left) Mofuku; mourning dress for men/women, plain black silk (bottom right)
Tomesode; 2 categories, Irotemesode- 色留袖 (single- coloured, pattern below waistline, married women, top right) Kurotomesode- 黒留袖 (black, pattern below waistline, most formal for married women) worn to weddings (top middle) Tsukeage- 付け下げ ; worn by married women, modest patterns (top right) Uchikake; highly formal, worn by bride or at stage performance, either white or very colourful w/red (bottom left) Susohiki(trail the skirt)/Hikizuri; worn by geisha, or by those who dance traditionally (bottom right)