Kimberley Marine Research Program 2012-2017 Chris Simpson Marine Science Program, DEC KMRP Node Leader, WAMSI Kelly Waples KMRP Science Co-ordinator WAMSI.


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Presentation transcript:

Kimberley Marine Research Program Chris Simpson Marine Science Program, DEC KMRP Node Leader, WAMSI Kelly Waples KMRP Science Co-ordinator WAMSI North West Symposium 21 February 2013

Outline Background Geographical focus Outcomes Projects What next

Background Remote and isolated Widely recognised wilderness area Marine biodiversity ‘hot spot’ A major centre of Aboriginal culture

Background (con’t) Increasing tourism Scott Reef - O&G Browse Basin - O&G INPEX - Kimberley offshore islands Woodside – Kimberley mainland – site selection process

Background (con’t) WAMSI 1 – a turning of the tide report 2011 – Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy

How we got here

WAMSI Kimberly Marine Research Program (KMRP) $12M State Government funding over 6 years (2011 State Budget) Additional Kimberley funding: IMOS - $2.2M MPAs - $15M over 4 years Goal Undertake a program of marine research to support the conservation and management of the waters of the Kimberley, particularly the proposed State marine parks. “… to recognize and conserve one of the world’s last great wilderness areas.” Kimberley Science and Conservation Strategy


Primary KMRP Outcomes Enhanced capacity to: Plan and manage Kimberley marine park network Identify and manage human impacts and potential risks Understand, adapt to and mitigate climate change impacts Plan and manage tourism, recreational and commercial activities, incl. fishing Include indigenous knowledge and participation in marine management

KMRP Science Plan Developing a regional perspective across two major research areas: Characterizing the biological, physical and social environment Understanding key ecosystem processes & response to human impacts, incl. CC

Projects Biodiversity and Habitats Benthic biodiversity - Coastal biodiversity - Shelf habitats Herbivory and recruitment Ecological Connectivity

Projects Marine Fauna Humpback whales Turtles Dolphins Dugong Shorebirds Crocodiles

Projects Physical world Reef growth and geomorphology Oceanography Remote sensing

Proposed Projects Processes Climate change Primary productivity Energy flow from catchment to coast to ocean Making predictions

Projects People Indigenous coastal knowledge Human use and impacts Values and aspirations

Logistics Remote and limited land access Limited science infrastructure - Cygnet Bay Costly and dangerous High level of operational integration High level of local knowledge

What next Engagement and consultation (on-going) Project agreements (mostly complete) Field work (some underway) Information sharing and knowledge transfer Regular WAMSI Symposia

For further information: Turning the Tide report, KMRP Strategy and KMRP Science Plan available at Contact: Chris Simpson KMRP Node Leader Marine Science Program, DEC Kelly Waples Science Coordinator, KMRP Marine Science Program, DEC
