Community Based Adaptation GUATEMALA CBA preparatory workshop
2 CBA Preparatory Workshop Notes
3 CBA Preparatory Workshop Portfolio of existing community projects Current portfolio After “Stan Storm” our “SGP current portfolio” includes a mitigation approach component in each project (2006-present) 17 projects currently under implementation 17 projects currently under implementation Projects in Climate Change (4), Biodiversity (13) Projects in Climate Change (4), Biodiversity (13) Project Typologies Native forest species reforestation, wildlife conservation Biodiversity – Native forest species reforestation, wildlife conservation Organic agriculture, soil and water conservation community-based management Land Degradation – Organic agriculture, soil and water conservation community-based management Renewable Energy (solar panels) and reforestation with native species in high watersheds. Climate Change - Renewable Energy (solar panels) and reforestation with native species in high watersheds.
4 CBA Preparatory Workshop Portfolio of existing community projects Examples of particularly successful related to Climate Change: Pumped storage microhydroelectricity in Nueva Alianza Community, El Palmar Quetzaltenango to energy generation aims in agroindustrial and ilumination uses. (Rehabilitación de micro hidroeléctrica con capacidad de 10 Kw de la Comunidad Nueva Alianza, El Palmar Quetzaltenango para la generación de energía con fines agroindustriales y de iluminación) This project consists in replace traditional power generating engine (diesel) to produce electricity energy into de community using a microhydroelectric with renewal resources. It can reduce the CO 2 pollution, however the most important issue is the water and forest management by the women’s community, they were declared a Private Natural Reserve into the Community to protect the local forest. During Stan Hurricane, this community didn’t affected because they started a climate contingent plan which put in save the microhydroelectric and the macadamia crops, this plan was learned in SGP capacity activities. Beneficiaries are 109 men and 132 women distributed in 45 families. SGP Project Cost: $23, Community Counterpart contribution: $17,053.50
5 CBA Preparatory Workshop Portfolio of existing community projects Examples of particularly successful related to Climate Change: Putting up potable water and nature resources conservation project in Colonia Belén, Tojcheche Tacaná San Marcos. (Conservación de recursos naturales y Construcción de Proyecto de Agua Potable) This project contains miscellaneous activities. Colonia Belen is a small community in the western highlands of Guatemala and belongs to the Mam ethnic group. Their Committee for the communitarian integral development obtained the support of the SGP for its project in soil conservation in 2003, also entailed the construction of 23 stables for animal husbandry, with cement walls and floors, to diminish the negative impact of the animals on topsoil degradation and to collect manure for the crops. During Stan Hurricane, 2 cement stables were lost because its nearly from the slope hill (private property conditions), in spite of this situation soils of Colonia Belen didn’t suffer many damage. At this moment, Colonia Belen end the potable water project and the contribution comes from de gains of the organic crops and the constant selling of the animal used in the cement stable. Beneficiaries are 30 families. SGP Project Cost: $20, Community Counterpart contribution: $17,000.00
6 CBA Preparatory Workshop Opportunities for building resilience to CC in GEB SGP Guatemala recently manage a consultancy in CC, focused in training at risk and vulnerability concepts to the Community based Organizations using mitigation aspects and formed a intercommunity learning alliance to be adapt at natural disasters. The Main Results of this consultancy gave us current information of the state of the CB in aspects of mitigation: All of soil conservation practices are using by the people. Mangle Forestry in pacific coastal shelled it the wildlife and livelihoods of people who live in this village during “Stan Storm”, right now, they are planting mangle and conserve the forest to be prepared of next hurricane. Potential project examples: Community-based storm risk reduction through protection of threatened coastal ecosystems –(in the context of increased storm risks) Community-based landslide risk reduction through improved erosion control –(in the context of increased flood risks) InterCommunity-based Learning Alliance to risk reduction through improved better control practices by knowledge itself in SGP area.
7 CBA Preparatory Workshop Opportunities for cash co-financing Potential co-financing sources: Key bilaterals Key bilaterals ACDI (Canadian Cooperation environmental education) ASDI (Sweden Cooperation, job in watersheds aspects) GTZ (Forest Management) CECI (Local Empowerment) Foundations, NGOs, other non-governmental sources Foundations, NGOs, other non-governmental sources Ford Foundation (Forest Community Program) Guatemala Conservation Trust (Financing environmental projects) Wildlife Defenders Foundation (Using renewal techonologies) Marfund (Financing coastal projects) Private sector partnerships Private sector partnerships Asociación Nacional del Café (financing environmental education) Private Reserves Asociation (Ecotourism events and promoting the protection of the Volcanic watersheds)
8 CBA Preparatory Workshop NSC Modification and Country Programme Development Guatemala NSC had include like a member to OFPCC (Carlos Mancilla), he is an active member since He can provide information and open relationships with the CC National Instance like a National Steering to Disaster Reduction (CONRED) and Meteorolgical Institute (INSIVUMEH) who takes a Disaster Reduction Web that includes funds to mitigation and reduction of storm effects. Additions to the National Steering Committee In this case we’ll include people of the focal point at UNFCC (Dr. Eduardo Alvarez) and we have in the NSC a Carlos Mancilla MARN who knows of the adaptation terms because he’s the OFPCC designed by Guatemala Environmental Ministry Strategies for Successfully engaging Potential Grantees The NSC has the willingness to modify National Strategy to engage the potential grantees offered by multilateral and gubernamental funds The NSC has the willingness to modify National Strategy to engage the potential grantees offered by multilateral and gubernamental funds SGP Guatemala has a long and great experience in Almanario like a improve skill in Community-based to GEF Projects SGP Guatemala has a long and great experience in Almanario like a improve skill in Community-based to GEF Projects
9 CBA Preparatory Workshop Strategies and Support for Project Development We propose use the CBA Learning Alliance we will invite to NGOs and CBOs to access by the Almanario to present projects in CBA’s areas. The NSC will evaluate the projects to finance. All the projects approved contains workshops and site visits by the members of CBA learning alliance Support services for proposal development: Engagement of support personnel: Recently UNV France confirm us an Economist who can help in environmental externalities. Guatemala SGP team have experience in risk and vulnerability themes. Part time consultants its necessary to retro feeding the CC Adaptation Learning Alliance Engagement of support personnel: Recently UNV France confirm us an Economist who can help in environmental externalities. Guatemala SGP team have experience in risk and vulnerability themes. Part time consultants its necessary to retro feeding the CC Adaptation Learning Alliance. Strategies for maximizing community-drivenness while ensuring proposal requirements and SPA eligibility Strategies for maximizing community-drivenness while ensuring proposal requirements and SPA eligibility –Almanario provide a capacity-building events to maximize the cost effectiveness CBO projects. Capacity building strategies for grantees (understanding climate change, writing proposals, etc) Capacity building strategies for grantees (understanding climate change, writing proposals, etc) –Workshops –Site visits –Improving best practices
10 CBA Preparatory Workshop Many thanks for your attention Adaptation could be start the prevention costs in Comunities-based