Botanic Gardens Team 3 Chia Zi Xuan(15) Chin Han Wen(16) Wayne Zhang(26) 1.


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Presentation transcript:

Botanic Gardens Team 3 Chia Zi Xuan(15) Chin Han Wen(16) Wayne Zhang(26) 1

Tembusu tree Is the tree shown on the $5 note. Binomial name: Fagraea fragrans Also known as: Fagraea cochinchinensis, Cyrtophyllum giganteum, Cyrtophyllum peregrinum Family : Gentianaceae Genus: Fagraea Order : Gentianales Species: Fagraea fragrans It is also a heritage tree. 2

Tembusu Tree’s Features Thrives even in poor site conditions including poorly-aerated and ill-drained soils Creamy white flowers turn yellow with age Tends to bloom twice a year Have rounded fruits turning green to orange or red. Hard and durable wood and are used to make furniture 3

Heritage Trees Are at least 100 years of age Have lightning conductors on them so as to protect them from lightning as they are very majestic. Natural heritage of Singapore and serve as important green landmarks of our Tropical Garden City. Help identify with and stay rooted to the place we live in. 4

Heritage Trees(Continued) As Singapore progresses, there is a danger of losing these mature trees. In view of this concern, the Heritage Trees Scheme was announced in 17 Aug 2001 with the objective of promoting conservation of our mature trees to the community. 5

Another example of a heritage tree is this: Madras Thorn (Pithecellobium dulce) Fort Canning Park, Along path beside Service Reservoir. 6

Double Coconut Brought into Singapore. Found only in Seychelles. Looks like a disembodied woman’s ‘behind’. Also known as Coco de Mer, Binomial name Lodoicea maldivica, sole member of its genus, Lodoicea. 7

Rain Tree Binomial name: Albizia saman Family: Fabaceae Also known as Monkeypod. Rain trees with yellow leaves are really Golden rain trees (see right pic) Wide-canopied tree with large symmetrical crown 8

Rain Tree’s Features The large and majestic tree provides plenty of shade with its big umbrella-shaped crown When it blooms, the crown of this tree is covered in clusters of pink-white flowers, like small upturned brushes Called the Rain Tree - leaves fold up before rainy weather The leaves also close just before sunset 9

Orchid breeding The Botanic Gardens produce orchid hybrids. Allows people to name the new hybrids Our national flower 10

Orchid’s features Orchids share some very evident apomorphies. Among these : Bilaterally symmetric (zygomorphic), many resupinate One petal (labellum) is nearly always highly modified Stamens and carpels are fused Seeds are extremely small 11

Part of Singapore’s NEParks which… Provide and enhance the greenery of the Garden City Enhance quality of life through creating memorable recreational experiences and lifestyles Manages 4 nature reserves and 50 major parks, roadside greenery, island-wide Park Connector Network Scientific authority in nature conversation Monitors and coordinates measures to ensure the health of Singapore’s biodiversity 12

Motives of NEParks Natural Heritage Historical Heritage People and Nature To bring out… 13

City Biodiversity Index May 2008 – Initiated by Minister Mah Bow Tan at 9 th Conference at Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in Bonn, Germany. Feb 2009 – Hosted 1 st Expert Workshop on the Development of the CBD Test-bedded by 7 cities Joondalup, Edmonton, Brussels,Monreal, Nagoya and Singapore Oct 2010 – Target for formal adoption at the 10 th Conference of Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (COP-10) at Nagoya 14

About NPark Let's Make Singapore Our Garden. This sums up our vision and mandate. We conserve, create, sustain and enhance the green infrastructure of our Garden City. Combining the visual delights and rich bio- diversity of our parks, gardens & nature reserves with thoughtfully-planned recreational activities, we facilitate your communion with Nature. 15

About NPark(Continued) We are driven by the chance to accord Singapore residents a truly enviable lifestyle where ultra-fast modern city living can go hand-in-hand with becalming greenery. We strive to provide you with an environment that is visually stimulating, physically nourishing and emotionally uplifting. Along this journey, we hope to contribute to a Healthy, Happy & Enviable Singapore! 16

Botanic Gardens Contacting Them Adress: Singapore Botanic Gardens 1 Cluny Road Singapore Tel: (65) / (65) Fax: (65) NPARKS.GOV.SG 17

Rental of Venues Tel: (65) Fax: (65) NPARKS.GOV.SG 18