W HERE ARE WE ? InitiationPlanningExecutionClosing
O BJECTIVES Distinguish between the one core process and six facilitating processes of the executing process group
Q UESTIONS TO A SK How will the project team know to start? How will the team work together? How will everyone know what is expected?
E XECUTING P ROCESSES Direct & Manage Project Execution Perform Quality Assurance Acquire TeamDevelop TeamDistribute InformationManage Project Team Manage Stakeholders Expectations Conduct Procurements Integration Quality HR Procurements Communications
D EFINITION Project plan execution is the primary process for carrying out the project plan—the vast majority of the project’s budget will be expended in performing this process PMBOK ® Guide, 4 th Edition
T EAMS WILL BE WORKING ACTIVELY Defining Planning Estimating Scheduling Documenting Working under pressure Problem identification Problem Solving
O PERATING P ROCEDURES SHOULD BE CLARIFIED Meeting types, frequency, format, etiquette Delegation Brainstorming Decision-making process Using consensus Problem-solving process Resolving conflict
E XECUTION P HASE Work results Change requests Outputs Inputs Project plan Supporting detail Organizational policies Preventive action Corrective action Use general management skills Product skills and knowledge Work authorization system Status review meetings Project MIS Organizational procedures Tools and Techniques
O RGANIZATIONAL S TRUCTURES S UMMARY Organizational structures can help or Hinder project management in an organization Three types exist. Functional (traditional), Projectized, and Matrix. 10
11 Organizational Structures Head Accounting Marketing Operations Advantage: Stable, specialization,.. Challenges : Project Failure, communication across functions is poor.
12 Projectized Structure Project Manager HDTV Project LCD Project Project 3 R&D Staff Engg. Staff Advantage: Highly receptive to new projects, greater control of resources. Easier planning. Enhances project success! Disadvantage: No career path, poor stability, redundancy
13 Matrix Head R & DProductionIT R&D Staff. Ad: Better use of resources, dual flow or information, project objectives are clear & visible, high morale, development of project managers, Non-traumatic project shut-down. Challenges: Two bosses, complexity, slower reaction time than projectized, conflict over priorities. PM Eng Staff
C OMPARISON 14 FunctionalMatrixProjectized PM AuthorityLittleLittle-HighHigh Full Time Dedicated Staff 0-25%0 – 95%90-100% PM RolePart-TimePart to Full- Time Full-Time TitleCoordinator/Lead er Coordinator to Project/Progra m Manager Project/Program Manager Administrative Staff Part-TimePart to Full- Time Full-Time Weak Matrix Balanced Matrix Strong Matrix Matrix Note: Matrix is a continuum
E XECUTION P HASE D ISCUSSIONS Status Reviews—how are we doing it? What is working? What is not?