Intute and Organic.Edunet Jackie Wickham ALLCU, Oxford, July 2008
What is Intute
Use of the Internet for Studies The Internet is clearly an essential tool Almost all students use if for researching essays and projects (Market research by FDS – Feb/March 2008) Students:Do you ever use the Internet to do research for essays or projects? Source: FDS online survey
Solving the frustrations of the Internet The Internet is a powerful tool for education and research, providing a range of educational resources to support traditional teaching and learning Issues of trust, quality, information overload, poor searching and retrieving skills are significant concerns – particularly in the context of education and research Intute is a free, national Internet service aimed at higher and further education, providing the very best web resources for teaching, learning and research
Intute is different Intute uses a national network of information and subject specialists to select and evaluate Internet resources for their quality and relevance…. including the Wellcome Trust, Royal College of Nursing, University of Oxford.
Network of specialists Four subject groups comprise Intute: Arts and Humanities Health and Life Sciences Science, Engineering and Technology Social Sciences Hand selected, quality assured content – by the community for the community
Use The Intute website
Finding the Best of the Web Search/Browse the catalogue Over 120,300 records, each one hand selected and described by a subject specialist Simple keyword or phrase searching Refine your search by type of resource Simple or Advanced searching options Browse by subject heading or keyword
Or integrate the content into your own site
Examples of integrating.. Put Intute search box on your library Web page, eg. for Intute: Social Science resources List latest language resources added to Intute, on your library Web page Create your reading lists from Intute resources
Intute Search Box Intute RSS Feeds Intute RSS Feeds Records from Intute catalogue Records from Intute catalogue
Contact details Jackie Wickham Service Manager: Health and Life Sciences uk
16/43 Co-funded by the European Commission eContentplus programme
17/43 contents Overview and partners content scenarios connect to
Organic.Edunet builds a multilingual federation of learning repositories content about Organic Agriculture and Agroecology for the awareness & education of European Youth
about Targeted Project funded by the eContentplus Programme started on October 2007 duration 36 months co-funded by EC Overall budget: euros
overall coverage 15 partners from 10 EU countries
need systematic collection and categorisation of learning resources related to OA and AE integrating online environment increase use and reuse study & assessment of usage scenarios in the context of formal educational programs in Europe
objectives Publication of content Online environment – search, retrieval, use Scenarios to support teaching and learning Evaluation – pilot trials Sustainable structures
Search and Browse learning resources Find scenarios - using organic resources in teaching and learning Public Underpinned by.. Repository interface – manual or electronic upload Federated repository Database of scenarios Ontologies – to support search and retrieval Educational metadata (IEE LOM)
targeted users tomorrow’s consumers: highschool children to be familiarized with concepts & benefits of OA & AE tomorrow’s professionals: students of agricultural universities to be educated about methods and practices of OA & AE
content stakeholders EU-funded initiatives public or private not-for-profit organisations agricultural publishing houses agricultural universities & institutes rural schools & teachers …other?
University/college resources consortium-provided content resources ECOLOGICA, COMPASS projects selection from Intute repository resources teaching resources from agricultural universities other tutor-provided resources
Resource types Lectures Best practice guides Games Documents Websites Exercises
school teachers’ resources type worksheets lesson plans, etc. topic area life sciences
public resources - examples FAO Organic ePrints SEAE – Sociedad Espanola de Agricultura Ecologica
Cooking with Ecological Products
Excursion to an Organic Farm
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