Leveraging Private Investments by Public Climate Finance Leveraging Private Investments by Public Climate Finance A Global Forum on Climate Change Finance, Dec 2013
Trends and scales of international climate finance: some comparisons Source: OEC D 133.5b n 100 bn
Climate Finance SOURCES DEVELOPING COUNTRIES PRIVATE MULTILATERAL World Bank, ADB etc BILATERAL as part of ODA within the context of UNFCCC DOMESTIC ALLOCATION S Source: Lidy Nacpil, 2012
Source: CPI Climate Finance Flows
Export Credit Support Green Bond (for low-carbon & eco- friendly projects) Green Bond (for low-carbon & eco- friendly projects) + CAGR: +43.4% ▒Green Credit on the Rise ▒Green Credit by Sector Eligible Financing Sectors Fuel Cell, Hydrogen Energy, etc. New Energy Solar PV, Solar Thermal, Wind, Geothermal, Biomass, Biofuel, Hydro, Tidal, Wave, Waste Energy, etc. Renewable Energy Water Supply, Water Sanitation, Waste Treatment, etc. Mitigation LED, Smart Grid, HEV battery, etc. High-Tech Energy Efficiency Leveraging Private Investments
(Guarantee) KEXIM introduced Guarantee Program with EDCF to catalyze for private financing by mitigating critical government performance risks in developing countries. Leveraging Private Investments Indemnity Agreement Loan Guarantee AgreementProject Approval
(Encouraging PPP scheme) In order to finance big infrastructure in collaboration with private investors, KEXIM tries to develop PPP financing scheme with EDCF. ODA Loan EDCF Subsidies/ Equity Loan or Equity Leveraging Private Investments
To build up overall capacity for climate change actions in cross sectors in the Government of Vietnam Climate Change related strategies, policies, etc. Policy Action SectorsMain Responsible Ministries MOIT MARD MOC Related ministries MOT, MOC, MOIT 2) Transportation and Construction 3) Forestry and Agriculture 4) Waste Disposal 5) CDM 6) Water 8) Disaster Prevention 9) Forestry, Biodiversity and Agriculture 11) Health Care 7) Integrated Coastal Management 10) Transportation and Construction MOC etc MARD etc MARD MARD, BCA etc MOT, MOC MOH 12) Assessment, Monitoring & Evaluation 13) Financial Mechanism 15) Awareness Raising and Human Resource Development MOST MOF, MPI MPI MOET Mitigation Adaptation Cross- Cutting Pillars MONRE 1) Energy (Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency) 14) Mainstreaming CC issues to development planning and Program Management of NTP-RCC and SP-RCC 10 Ministries and agencies 35 Depts all together ! Target Financing for Climate Change
Under the “Low Carbon, Green Growth” strategy, the proportion of Green ODA projects of KEXIM(EDCF) was maintained over than 30% in EDCF Policy Focus in 2012 Green Growth 1. Introduction to EDCF Interest Discount by 0.05%~0.5%p in Green Growth such as Renewable energy, Energy efficiency, etc
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