Bedfordshire & Luton Geology Group by Bev Fowlston BSc FGS The History of B&LGG
In the Beginning……………. Dec 2004 – Bedfordshire & Luton RIGS Panel set up by Bedfordshire & Luton Biodiversity Forum with the aid of funding from English Nature. The original members included: Richard Woolnough (Greensand Trust) Richard Lawrence (Ivel & Ouse Countryside Project) Chris Andrew (Bedford Museum and BNHS Recorder) Dr Jill Eyers
Dec 2004Original aim was to establish a RIGS system similar to County Wildlife Sites Jan 2005Phase I – designated 11 sites Jun 2005Emphasis was switched to education and awareness raising
Bedfordshire’s RIGS Regionally Important Geodiversity Sites These are places that reveal our geological past and are considered important enough to deserve conservation. They include sites where rocks can be seen (such as quarries and road cuttings) or where the geology or geological processes can be inferred from the shape of the landscape.
Sep 2005Malcolm Oliver took over as Chairman from Richard Lawrence and the RIGS Panel became Bedfordshire & Luton Geology Group Vision for the role of the B&LGG was outlined as: “To build a picture of Bedfordshire’s geology and identify a variety of sites that represent the county’s geology and to promote and conserve these sites as appropriate and to raise public awareness of local geology.”
Mar paid up members Lottery Heritage Initiative bid for £22,357 submitted Jun 2006£11,178 received from LHI Local Geodiversity Action Plan started Leaflets and booklet printed with funding from partners including LHI, ALSF, Greensand Trust and WBB Minerals Phase II designation of sites increases to paid up members Aug 2006Become a member of UKRIGS
B&LGG aims to: Protect local geological and geomorphological sites Encourage public enjoyment of rocks, fossils and landscape Encourage the use of RIGS by the public, by schools and local groups Keep a listing of RIGS in Bedfordshire Provide information for potential users of sites Encourage landowners to participate in the scheme Involve landowners and users of RIGS in good practice and management
Sept 2006First B&LGG AGM was held Oct paid up members Became a member of The Geology Trusts Jan 2007LGAP and RIGS Audit completed First increase in membership fees from £5 to £7.50 per annum Jul 2007New RIGS Manager appointed Phase III designations sees 23 sites in total
Sep nd AGM held Malcolm Oliver stepped down as Chairman – no new chairman appointed Oct 2007Martin Sims took over maintenance of the website with excellent results Jan paid up members – highest to date
Oct 07 – Mar 08 7 leaflets produced 4 interpretation boards erected Educational field trips and workshops organised and run successfully 2 geoconservation projects started LHI funding had to be used by Mar 08
Geoconservation Projects The sites we worked on are: 1)Potton Scout Hut Quarry 2)Kensworth Nature Reserve
Where we are now ……… The funding from LHI has ended; only income is from membership 44 paid up members We still have work to do at Kensworth Partnership work with The Greensand Trust, The Wildlife Trust and Geo-East in the pipeline