I will celebrate, sing unto the Lord; Sing to the Lord a new song.
With my heart rejoicing within, With my mind focused on Him; With my hands raised to the heavens, All I am, worshipping Him. I Will Celebrate (2) Rita Baloche 1990, 1991 Maranatha! Music CCLI 522161
Sing to the King Who is coming to reign. Glory to Jesus, the Lamb that was slain. Life and salvation His empire shall bring, And joy to the nations, when Jesus is King. Sing to the King (1)
A song declaring that we belong to Jesus; He is all we need Come, let us sing a song, A song declaring that we belong to Jesus; He is all we need Lift up a heart of praise. Sing now with voices raised to Jesus; Sing to the King. Sing to the King (2)
For His returning we watch and we pray; We will be ready the dawn of that day. We'll join in singing with all the redeemed, 'Cause Satan is vanquished and Jesus is King. Sing to the King (3)
A song declaring that we belong to Jesus; He is all we need Come, let us sing a song, A song declaring that we belong to Jesus; He is all we need Lift up a heart of praise. Sing now with voices raised to Jesus; Sing to the King. Sing to the King (4) Billy James Foote 2003 worshiptogether.com CCLI 522161
The greatness of mercy and love At the feet of Jesus, and we cry We Fall Down We fall down, We lay our crowns At the feet of Jesus The greatness of mercy and love At the feet of Jesus, and we cry We Fall Down (1)
Holy, holy, holy, and we cry Holy, holy, holy is the Lamb. We Fall Down (2)
Holy, holy, holy is the Lamb. We Fall Down (3) Chris Tomlin Copyrignt 1998 Worship Together.com songs CCLI 522161
The love of God is greater far Than tongue or pen can ever tell; It goes beyond the highest star, And reaches to the lowest hell; The guilty pair, bowed down with care, God gave His Son to win; His erring child He reconciled And pardoned from his sin The Love of God (1)
O love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong! It shall for evermore endure The saints' and angel's song The Love of God (2)
Could we with ink the ocean fill, And were the skies of parchment made, Were every stalk on earth a quill, And every man a scribe by trade, To write the love of God above Would drain the ocean dry, Nor could the scroll contain the whole, Though stretched from sky to sky. The Love of God (3)
O love of God, how rich and pure! How measureless and strong! It shall for evermore endure The saints' and angel's song The Love of God (4) F.M. Lehman Public Domain Not CCLIed
You came to us a man, in very nature God. Hail to the King You came to us a man, in very nature God. Pierced for our iniquities as You hung upon the cross. But God exalted You to the highest place And gave to You the right to bear the Name Above All Names, Hail to the King (1)
That at the Name of Jesus we should bow, Ev'ry tongue confess that You are Lord. And when you come in glory for the world to see, We will sing, Hail to the King (2)
In all his splendor and majesty. Hail to the King of Kings, Lord Jesus, our God.'' Hail to the King (3)
We eagerly await the coming of the day, The glory of the risen King will shine upon the earth. Then rival thrones will fall before the Lord of all, And hail supreme authority in the true and living God. Hail to the King (4)
In all his splendor and majesty. Hail to the King of Kings, Lord Jesus, our God.'' Hail to the King (5)
At the name of Jesus we will bow, As ev'ry tongue confesses you as Lord. And when you come in glory for the world to see, We will sing, Hail to the King (6)
In all his splendor and majesty. Hail to the King of Kings, Lord Jesus, our God.'' Hail to the King (7) Larry Hampton 1995 Mercy Publishing CCLI 522161