Energy Sources
Energy Use United States uses more NRG than any other country in the world
Types of Energy Fossil fuels Wind Solar Nuclear Hydroelectric Geothermal Hydrogen Biomass Click on the title to view video
Partner Activity Nonrenewable vs. Renewable Students will partner up and discuss the meaning of each category and then attempt to group the energy forms into the correct category type. Nonrenewable-Cannot be replaced by natural processes as quickly as they are used-Fossil Fuels Renewable-Replaced nearly as quick as it is used-Wind, Solar, Hydroelectric, Tidal, Geothermal, Biomass
Fossil Fuels Fossil Fuel Coal, Petroleum, and Natural Gas Formed from Dead plants and animals Fuel formed hundreds of millions of years ago through geological processes Coal, Petroleum, and Natural Gas Contain energy originally from the sun Nonrenewable Energy Source
Use of fossil fuels Fossil fuels are burned to release chemical energy Combustion Process of burning a fuel Chemical Energy is converted into various forms
Sources of Electricity In US
Nuclear Energy stored within the nucleus of an atom Released during nuclear reactions Nuclear fission Nuclear fusion
Renewable Resources
Renewable Resource Energy source replaced as quickly as it is used Solar Energy Hydroelectric Wind Geothermal-Thermal energy from Magma Biomass-Renewable organic matter Wood, sugarcane, rice, manure Tidal
Solar Energy from the sun Click on title for Solar power video
Hydroelectric Falling Water Click on title to view video describing Hydroelectric Energy
Wind Wind is used to turn turbines
Geothermal Energy contained in hot magma
Biomass Chemical energy from renewable organic matter is released through the process of combustion
Tidal Ocean water is used to turn turbines Created by the Gravity of the sun and the moon Ocean tides
Assignment Choose an Alternative Energy Source Create a PowerPoint presentation Research information on topics Outline and Rubric provided Group will present to the class Create a brochure or poster to “sell” your energy form