CIS 2200 Kannan Mohan Department of CIS Zicklin School of Business, Baruch College
What are network effects? How do they relate to social media? What are the different technologies, tools, terminologies associated with social media and Web 2.0? What are some factors to keep in mind when attempting to leverage social media?
What are its impacts? What drives network effects? How do you leverage this? How is this related to…? Switching costs Total cost of ownership Long term business viability Complementary benefits Platforms
Early mover (eBay) Viral Promotion (Skype) Consider a Blue Ocean strategy (Wii) Alliances and Partnerships (NYCE) Backward Compatibility Think about Osborne effect Congestion effects
Apple iOS vs. Android Fragmented Standards Challenges?
One-sided market vs. two-sided market Instant messaging vs. video games Examples?
Peer Production Collaborative consumption (Zipcar) Sharing economy Social Media Tools Blogs Wikis Microblogs
Owned Media Paid Media Earned Media (unsolicited positives) Inbound Marketing (Old Spice Man?)
The story of “A Million Penguins” How do you establish control? The power of Wikipedia Information overload Managing knowledge
Quality control? (Wikipedia vs. Encyclopedia Britannica) Nature of the crowd Platforms for crowdsourcing (Innocentive)
RSS Folksonomies Mashups Augmented reality
Hunt vs. hike Dark web Social graph Learning from mistakes (Beacon) – opt-in vs. opt-out Privacy missteps Content adjancency
What are network effects? How do they relate to social media? What are the different technologies, tools, terminologies associated with social media and Web 2.0? What are some factors to keep in mind when attempting to leverage social media?