Canada-Australia Roundtable on Foreign Qualification Recognition 2013 Corinne Prince-St-Amand Director General Citizenship and Immigration Canada
To have a leading immigration system, skilled immigrants need to have FCR and other labour market supports to fully integrate into their country. Pre-arrival supports are essential to manage immigrants’ expectations and help them make informed decisions. Post-arrival services need to complement pre-arrival offerings and help immigrants to showcase their talent and transition to their new community Striving for excellence and leadership Innovative services in a more effective immigration system 2 Research demonstrates that for a newcomer the first year in Canada is critical to landing a job in an intended occupation ( Li Xue) After one year in Canada, immigrants’ likelihood to work in their occupation reduces considerably often caused by skills atrophy due to survival jobs
Canada is a global pioneer in the provision of pre-arrival in- person orientation sessions to help immigrant make informed decisions. Three programs are currently offered: – Active Engagement and Integration Program (AEIP); – Canadian Orientation Abroad (COA); and – Canadian Immigrant Integration Program(CIIP). These services are tailored to specific regions and/or immigration categories. Pre-arrival Orientation Services Better preparing immigrants for integration 3 ProgramEligibilityLocation offered AEIP All categories of immigrants, except refugeesSouth Korea and Taiwan COA All classes of immigrants (Economic, refugees, family reunion, etc). Columbia, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Jordan, Kenya, Lebanon, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia, Sri- Lanka, Sudan, Syria CIIP Federal Skilled Workers and Provincial Nominees, dependents and China, India, the Philippines, the UK, Gulf, Scandinavia and up to 25 countries depending on demand.
TOSG is an online tool to measure the outcomes of CIIP participants and support policy making and program development. It addresses two information gaps: – Knowing who received what service – Knowing immigrants’ outcomes and challenges in Canada Online longitudinal survey – Collects information regarding immigrants’ work and educational experience, credential recognition, settlement, and integration challenges. – Sent automatically to participants at three months, one year, and three years after arrival in Canada. So far, 1,447 survey responses have been received: – 1,014 responded to the 3 months survey; 433 responded to the one year survey. Measuring success of Pre-arrival Supports Tracking of Overseas Orientation Session Graduates (TOSG) 4 What do we know now? 72% of survey participants are working within one year in Canada. Of those, 60% are in an occupation directly aligned or related to their previous work experience.
Newcomers’ workbook Step-by-step guide that helps prospective or recently arrived newcomers gather information about living and working in Canada Newcomers’ workbook Step-by-step guide that helps prospective or recently arrived newcomers gather information about living and working in Canada Occupation Fact Sheets Explain the general requirements to work in a specific profession and FCR steps available overseas. Over 25 professions available Occupation Fact Sheets Explain the general requirements to work in a specific profession and FCR steps available overseas. Over 25 professions available Pre-arrival Online Supports The FCRO provides key information and services for immigrants online FCRO Web Site Content One-stop-shop offering a continuum of information, services and tools on FCR for immigrants, employers and stakeholders. FCRO Web Site Content One-stop-shop offering a continuum of information, services and tools on FCR for immigrants, employers and stakeholders. 2,500,000 visits ,000 Downloads500,000 Downloads
Budget 2012 announced a three year Foreign Credential Recognition Loans pilot project, supported by HRSDC and CIC. Launched in February 2012, community-based organizations are providing low-interest loans to cover the cost of FCR related expenses such as: – Assessments, tuition, books and materials; – Examination and licensure fees; – Bridging programs; and – Living expenses. Presently, nine pilot sites across Canada are helping an estimated 1,800 internationally trained individuals to manage FCR costs. Post-arrival: Microloans Immigrants have access to financial supports to have their credentials recognized 6 A.A.B. Pharmacist “The loan allowed me to focus on my studies without the distraction of a second job and financial stress”
The FCRO works with federal departments/agencies and private sector organizations on the Federal Internship for Newcomers (FIN) Program – Newcomers gain valuable Canadian work experience through paid internships with 24 federal departments/agencies and select private sector partners – Since 2010, FINP has placed over 185 interns in scientific, administrative and policy positions The Federal Public Service Mentoring Pilot was launched in 2011 – linking public servants with newcomers in Ottawa, Toronto and Calgary to develop professional networks and gain insight into Canadian workplace culture Post-arrival: Federal Internship for Newcomers Program and Mentoring Supporting Workforce Participation 7 75% of FIN graduates who responded to a follow-up survey were employed, with most of them believing their work was commensurate with their skills, experience and education
Alternative careers can improve the labour market integration of immigrants who are unable or choose not to become licensed by: – Helping them apply some or all of their previously acquired skills and experience CIC is managing research work on current practices and gaps in supports and processes that assist immigrants navigate alternative careers. Also, CIC is partnering with immigrant serving organizations (ISOs) to deliver sector- specific Alternative Career Sessions in Ottawa, Toronto and Calgary. – The first session held in Toronto on March 7 th was a great success – Building on the SmartConnections model, it focused on the finance sector Post-arrival: Alternative career path-ways Utilizing immigrants’ skills in innovative ways 8 Non-recognition Alternate Pathways to Related Occupations Non-recognition Alternate Pathways to Related Occupations
Support for Employers Employers are ultimately responsible for recognizing and accepting foreign qualifications Employer engagement helps to ensure that Canada’s immigration plans align with its current and projected labour market needs. Linkages with the employer community 9 The Employers’ Roadmap - Accessed 229,000 times online – A step-by-step online guide for small to medium sized enterprises interested in hiring internationally trained individuals. – Provides information, tools and resources, for the successful recruitment, assessment and integration and retention of new Canadians. International Qualifications Network Website – A collaborative new web site where employers, immigrant-serving organizations and regulatory bodies exchange information on innovative foreign credential assessment and recognition practices in Canada and abroad. – Organizations can capitalize on the expertise of others.