Extratropical Storm-Induced Coastal Inundation: Scituate, MA Robert C. Beardsley 1, Changsheng Chen 2, Qichun Xu 2, Jianhua Qi 2, Huichan Lin 2 2 School for Marine Science and Technology University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth New Bedford, MA Department of Physical Oceanography Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Woods Hole, MA
Overall Goal Investigate roles of model structure and physics, waves, wave-surge interaction, grid resolution, computational effort on hindcasting inundation on a local scale driven by an extratropical storm in the Gulf of Maine. Objectives Hindcast inundation at Scituate (MA) during two recent (2005 and 2007) Nor’easters using suite of models with the same grid and forcing; Compare model output with available field data; Inter-compare model output; Formulate initial comparison results and plans for additional model tests.
Scituate, MAThe Test Site: 44013
A 3-D View of the bathymetry of the Scituate
Initial Test Storm Cases 1)May storm; 2)April 17, 2007 (“Patriot’s Day”) storm; 3)Model validation for tides: May 1-June 1, 2010 Boston tide gauge and NOAA Nor’easter
Nested The Scituate Grid The Northeast Coastal Ocean Forecast System (NECOFS) grid Horizontal Resolution: 10 m to 1 km Cell number: Node number: 5620
Tide gauge station
Buoys with wave measurements Station No. Longitude(W) Latitude (N) Total 20 stations
Transects -Elevation -Mass Flux -Wave Energy Flux (?) Model-Model Comparisons Model-Data Comparison Points -Tide gauge -E. Foster Bridge -Harbor Master/Town Pier -Cedar Point depression -Jericho Road -Center of harbor mouth transect 44 Rebecca Road
STATIONS NODE NUMBER LONGITUDE LATITUDE A B C D E F G H I SECTIONS FROM NODE NUMBER LONGITUDE LATITUDE TO NODE NUMBER LONGITUDE LATITUDE Section A Section B Section C Points and sections in the grid A B C D E F G H IA1 A2 C1 C2 B2 B1 Sites and sections in the model grid
The Model Forcing and Boundaries for 2005 and 2007 /data/ftp/upload/Inundation/umass/fvcom_extratropical/2005_fine_grid1/wave_current/input/ /data/ftp/upload/Inundation/umass/fvcom_extratropical/2007_fine_grid1/wave_current/input/ The grid, forcing, boundary conditions, and initial conditions are uploaded at 2005 storm: 2007 storm: Grid: sci_cor.dat The latitude at each node: used for Coriolis term sci_dep.dat The water depth at each node sci_grd.dat The model mesh sci_obc.dat Node numbers and types at the nesting boundary sci_sigma11.dat Vertical coordinate levels and type sci_spg.dat Sponge layer setup at the boundary (not need here) sci_restart_wd.dat Restart file with types of nodes and cells for the wet and dry
Input files for 2005 and )Wind forcing (9×9 km WRF hindcast field-the wind velocity at the 10-m height ) 2)Heat flux and precipitation via evaporation (9×9 km WRF hindcast field) 3)The sea level at the nodes of the nesting boundary (5 tidal constituents: M2, N2, S2, K1 and O1 and subtidal sea level) 4)Velocity at the centers of cells Forcings: node_nest.nc Open boundary nesting file restart nc Restart file for May model run wrf_for.nc or gom_mm5_forcing_ nc --- Winds, heat flux and P-E 2005 node_nest.nc Open boundary nesting file restart nc Restart file for April model run wrf_for.nc Winds, Heat Flux and P-E 2007
The FVCOM Validation for Tidal Simulation Tide Freq Amp (m) Amp error (m) Phase ( o G) Phase error ( o G) M N S K O
The 2005 Nor’easter Storm Currents Currents-Waves May 25, 05 AM (GMT)
Site H Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity
Site A (western coast) Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity
Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity Site B (western coast)
Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity Site C (southwestern coast)
Site D (southern are near the bridge) Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity
Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity Site F (eastern coast)
Site G (entrance) Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity
The water transports on Sections A, B and C
Play the Google’s based animation for the 2005 storm
CurrentsCurrents-Waves 2007 Nor’easter Storm April 18, 04 AM (GMT)
Site H (flooded area) Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity
Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity Site A (eastern coast)
Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity Site B (eastern coast)
Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity Site C (southeastern coast)
Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity Site D (southern area closed to bridge)
Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity Site F (eastern coast)
Winds Sea Level Vertically averaged velocity Site G (entrance)
The water transports on Sections A, B and C
Play the Google’s based animation for the 2007 storm
Preliminary Results for the December Storm 7 EST Dec. 267 EST Dec. 277 EST Dec. 28
(M2, N2, S2, K1, and O1)
Tide Freq Amp (m) Amp error (m) Phase ( o G) Phase error ( o G) M N S H H K O P M Tidal Constituents (two year records)
2010 December GMT
Play the Google’s based animation for the 2010 storm
Questions raised from the 2010 Nor’easter storm simulation : 1.How could we improve the tidal simulation for the long-term variation of the sea level? 2.How could we count the effects of the snow? 3.Should we increase the time interval of the wind forcing from one hour to a shorter period?
The Surface Wave Validations for 2005, 2007 and 2010 Storms
Buoy 44013
Buoy 44029
2010 December Wave Forecast Buoy 44005Buoy 44018
Buoy 44013