We are the Artic Explorers Here to introduce you to the Artic Tundra By Kelly Rachel and Nika
Although Tundras are among the coldest harshest biomes, the snow covered land blossoms in the summer to produce bursts of wildflowers
Landscape The arctic tundra has cold desert like conditions, which makes the biome have very little biodiversity. The vegetation that lives there is short with short root systems. There is a permafrost layer of soil that is permanently frozen which inhibits long root systems. - The main nutrients are nitrogen and phosphorus
During the winter the average temperature is -34 degrees Celsius! But during the summer which is a day period of time, it warms up to 3-12 degrees Celsius!
The best time to visit the arctic tundra to view the wildlife and wildflowers would be during the summer months in June, July and August. This is when all the wildflowers are blossoming and the animals are active and out of hibernation. But if you are going to the tundra for snow related activities, then April and October would be the best months.
Did you know that the word “tundra” means treeless plain The tundra is a great place if you love to go skating, skiing, sledding or play ice hockey! There are polar bears!! Disclaimer: The artic tundra is the second most deadly environment in the world
Characteristics of the wildlife There are about 1,700 plants/shrubs, 400 wildflowers, many mosses and lichens and there are no trees. The plants have to be short to be protected from the wind but with shallow roots. There are large population oscillations of animals due to the constant emigration and immigration.
In the summer the layer above the permafrost becomes saturated with water and there is a beautiful burst of around 400 colorful wildflowers on the landscape because the sun is shining 24 hours a day
There are many cool and unique animals in the biome such as polar bears, artic foxes, snow owls, caribou, musk ox, penguins and many more.
The shrubs in the tundra have adapted to be short and grouped together to protect themselves form the strong winds. They also have adapted by having short root systems because of the permafrost layer. The artic fox has adapted by having white fur in the winter months for camouflage and grayish fur during the summer. It also has short legs, ears and muzzle to conserve heat.
Global warming is posing as a huge threat to the artic tundra. Many scientists believe that global warming caused by green house gases may eliminate the artic tundra region forever. This is because the warmer temperatures will cause the snow to melt and drastically change the tundra. Save the polar bears!
Sources – ome/tundra.html ome/tundra.html – _page.htm _page.htm – onment/habitats/tundra-threats/ onment/habitats/tundra-threats/