Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Progress in NHS and PHE sustainable development David Pencheon NHS England and Public Health England Sustainable Development Unit Green Nephrology Summit Thanks to sponsors, Guy's and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust and the Association of Renal Industries, and to our exhibitors, J&J, Nipro, Elga Process Water & Fresenius Medical Care.
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Consultation and Engagement Exercise Launch event: Jan Deep Dive Exercises e.g. HWBs/CCGs/Models of Care... 4 months engagement and consultation Close to 1000 responses, 331 system organisations, 186 other organisations 55% NHS Trusts, 35% CCGS, 31% LAs, 72% Royal Colleges and Faculties…
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system High level summary Integrated and aligned across the system A clear, practical and realistic approach Transparent and accountable Aligning incentives across the health and care system Health outcomes, extreme events and community resilience Collaboration not silo’d approaches Research and action on behaviours, governance and innovation
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Key issues emerging 1.Carbon / environmental hotspots of the healthcare system 2.Procurement and Commissioning 3.Leadership, engagement, workforce development 4.Strong, resilient, communities 5.Models of care 6.Innovation, including technology and R&D 7.An integrated metrics approach 8.Building social capital / value as a core role of the health and care system
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Strategic aims of a sustainable health and care system? 1.Improve the quality of care whilst reducing its harmful environmental impact 2.Exploit the multiple benefits of future proofing that deliver social, economic and environmental benefits 3.Create the right conditions for resilient, safe, fair and sustainable local communities to develop
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Acute – medical instruments and equipment Acute - building energy use (gas and electricity) Primary care and acute – business services Primary care – pharmaceuticals including GP prescriptions Goods and Services carbon footprint – carbon hotspots
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Entry points 1.To save money / conserve limited resources 2.To comply with regulations and law / scrutiny / governance 3.To reduce environmental impact harmful to health 4.To manage risk 5.To improve resilience 6.To manage reputation 7.To take exemplary action 8.To support staff to do at work what we do at home 9.To take account of the strength of the scientific evidence 10.To align actions with core ethics and values of the health / care system 11.To modernise models of prevention and care in line with other changes 12.To discharge a duty of care to improve population health, and reduce health inequalities now, and in the future
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Every unplanned admission to a hospital is a sign of system failure, financial failure, health failure, patient failure, (and environmental failure) until proved otherwise
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Protect and Promote Extreme Events Climate chaos Resource shortages Heatwaves Flooding Lack of biodiversity Pollution Housing Employment Family and friends Healthy sustainable food Clean energy, clean water Integrated transport Safe shared pleasant spaces Resilient communities A legacy of social justice “A life, a community, and a future we all have reason to value”
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Leadership support
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Actions to improve protect/improve health 1. Cholera: 1854 Broad Street Pump 2. Smoking and tobacco: Sustainable development and climate change: 2012
Working across the NHS, Public Health and Social Care system Route map