Back-to-School Webinar #3: Introducing NEW HippoCampus Collections for Fall 2014 Beth Pickett, HippoCampus Project Manager The webinar will begin promptly at 2pm ET. Use the “questions” area to submit questions as you think of them This webinar will be archived at Need help accessing? Please Thanks for joining us!
Coming 2015
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English Math, Chemistry, and Physics Environmental Science Math Religion and Environmental Science Biology and Environmental Science
How Teachers Use HippoCampus: to create lesson plans with playlists to supplement in-person lectures to “flip” the classroom to supplement online courses and blended instruction to review for class or “high-stakes” assessments to provide visual and interactive examples for difficult concepts and processes
“Nouns, Pronouns and Adjectives” from the Mt. San Jacinto College Collection
“Modeling Transcription” simulation from The Concord Consortium Collection *Note that screen is maximized
“Modeling Transcription” simulation from The Concord Consortium Collection
“African Lions: Modeling Populations” activity from The Concord Consortium Collection
“Building Blocks of DNA” from the BioInteractive Collection
“DNA Transcription (basic detail)” from the BioInteractive Collection
“Translation (basic detail)” from the BioInteractive Collection
“Malaria: Human Host” from the BioInteractive Collection
“Ratios and Differences: Atlantean Dodgeball” from the NMSU Learning Games Lab’s “Math Snacks” Collection
“Measures and Proportions: Overruled” from the NMSU Learning Games Lab’s “Math Snacks” Collection
“Teaching with Overruled” from the NMSU Learning Games Lab’s “Math Snacks” Collection
“Coordinate Pairs: Game Over Gopher” from the NMSU Learning Games Lab’s “Math Snacks” Collection
Religions of the World course “Welcome, Part 1” from the Chattanooga State Technical Community College Collection
The Chemistry of Global Climate Change course “Background Chemistry: The Air We Breathe” from the Chattanooga State Technical Community College Collection
The Chemistry of Global Climate Change course “Background Chemistry: Names and Formulas: The Vocabulary of Chemistry ” from the Chattanooga State Technical Community College Collection
The Chemistry of Global Climate Change course “Name the Covalent Compound” activity from the Chattanooga State Technical Community College Collection
The Chemistry of Global Climate Change course “Physical vs. Chemical Change” drag- and-drop activity from the Chattanooga State Technical Community College Collection
“Solar Power” from the APES in a BOX Collection
Questions? How will you use HippoCampus?
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Thank you! Mark Your Calendar for these Upcoming Webinars: All webinars are archived at: October 2 at 2pm ET Member Experiences with EdReady in Summer 2014 October 23 at 2pm ET A Preview of NROC Developmental English - An Integrated Program Now archived: July 2014: NROC Math 2.0 August 2014: What’s New for NROC Members in