University of Kansas Connection Control in a Composite Protocol Network by Steve Ganje
University of Kansas Purpose of Connection Control for TCP Initialize Sequence Numbers for the connection. Initialize the Transmission Window. Insure both “Client” and “Server” are available (Ping).
University of Kansas Sequence Numbers in TCP TCP synchronizes sequence numbers during its setup phase. These sequence numbers are used by the client and server to provide the services of Reliable and In-order delivery
University of Kansas Sequence Numbers in Composite Protocols Both Reliable Delivery and In-order Delivery are components that use sequence numbers to achieve their purpose. When these components are initialized, their sequence numbers also need to be synchronized with their peers.
University of Kansas Window Initialization in TCP TCP initializes a transmission window and updates this information during communication. A TCP window can aide in congestion control, and helps reduce the maximum required buffer space for Reliable and In-order Delivery.
University of Kansas Window Initialization in Composite Protocols The components of In-order Delivery and Reliable Delivery may handle their own windows, or there may be a separate Windowing component altogether. These windows will need to be initialized with the component’s peers so they know what window to expect.
University of Kansas Connection Control in Composite Protocols Most of what is normally considered as connection control actually needs to be handled by individual components. The remaining capability that is not handled by other components is a one time initialization Ping.
University of Kansas A Connection Control Component Should perform the initial ping to insure each server is running. After this point, the component has nothing left to do. This still does not address the issue of how to initialize other components with their peers (sequence number sync, etc.)
University of Kansas Steve’s thoughts A composite protocol component should perform a function that it repeats throughout its lifetime. Some components are connection oriented, while others are not.
University of Kansas Connection Setup and Termination Components Initialization TerminationEstablished Setup Shutdown
University of Kansas What if ? InitializationTerminationEstablished Peer SetupPeer Shutdown Our Current State Machines
University of Kansas The 5 Stage Model of a Component’s Lifetime Peer Connection Initialization Peer Connection Termination Established Memory Initialization Memory De-allocation Component Operational Component not Operational All One All
University of Kansas Ping Object Ping Object 3 3 Application 1 1 Component 4 4 A 5 Stage Composite Protocol
University of Kansas Ping Object Ping Object 2,3,4 --All in Established 3 Application 1 1 Component 4 Non-connection Oriented Component
University of Kansas Issues Addressed Peer initialization for connection oriented components. Peer connection termination. Coordination among components for peer initialization and shutdown.
University of Kansas Issues Specifically not Addressed A control structure for the framework for communication between components (and from components to application).
University of Kansas Specification Issues to Achieve this Model State machines corresponding to peer initialization and teardown for all connection oriented components. A temporary “Ping” object which takes the place of the application until all components have initialized, and after the composite protocol starts shutting down.