INFSOM-RI Performing tests using several machines: Coscheduling ETICS Project, CERN
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July Summary Goal: show how can the new coscheduling feature of ETICS can be used to run tests over several machines (nodes)Goal: show how can the new coscheduling feature of ETICS can be used to run tests over several machines (nodes) SummarySummary –DICOM –Test scenario –Test methodology for coscheduling –Synchronisation –Demo
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July DICOM What’s DICOMWhat’s DICOM –DICOM is an international standard for communication of biomedical diagnostic and therapeutic information between imaging systems and other information systems in healthcare environments
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July DICOM DICOM implementationsDICOM implementations –DCMTK (from OFFIS) –“DCMTK is a collection of libraries and applications implementing DICOM. It includes software for examining, constructing and converting DICOM image files, handling offline media, sending and receiving images over a network connection. DCMTK is is written in a mixture of ANSI C and C++.” –dgate server (from Conquest EC Project) –“fully featured DICOM server heavily extending the public domain UCDMC DICOM software”
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July format conversion DICOM Testing Scenario dcmtk DICOM Server dgate DICOM Server dcmtk DICOM Client 3.upload image 4.move image
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July Service architecture Build/Test Artefacts Web Application Report DB Project DB NMI Execution Engine Clients Web Service NMI Client Wrapper Via browser WNs ETICS Infrastructure
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July format conversion DICOM Testing with Single Node ETICS Resource Pool dcmtk DICOM Server dgate DICOM Server (preinstalled) dcmtk DICOM Client 3.upload image 4.move image OMII-Europe training, Juelich Germany, 23 April 2007
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July format conversion DICOM Testing with Multi-Node 3.upload image 4.move image dcmtk DICOM Server dgate DICOM Server dcmtk DICOM Client
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July Coscheduling Testing Methodology Following same philosophy as for building: “Start with a successful local test” An extra level of complication that multi-node testing brings is the need for synchronisation during setup and execution -> can cause deadlocks!! ETICS v1.2 provides a new set of commands and an API for synchronisation Local multi-node tests can take different forms: – –Several workspaces on the same local machine (if your services can cohabitate) – –Several local machines with one workspace each – –Combination of the above
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July Synchronisation commands Accessors: – – etics-get [options] – – etics-set [options] – –To help local debugging, the option --uuid can be used to query the coscheduling information system – –Using option –b/--block the getter can block until a timeout is reached or a value is set Setup: – – etics-coschedule-local-setup [options] – –The option -o can be used to share the uuid between workspaces Aborting: when an error occurs, the ‘abort’ flag is set, instructing all tasks to terminate in a controlled fashion
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July Current Status Local coscheduling will be available in v1.2 Remote coscheduling will be available in v1.3 Preview remote coscheduling should be available during August
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July DEMO Now let’s look at all this in action
INFSOM-RI Coscheduling - EGEE, ETICS, EuChinaGRID meeting on IPv6, CERN, 25 July Thanks