Greenolution Welcome to Home Savings: Distributed Generation in Multifamily Housing
Team Greenolution Thomas Luginbill 1st Year MBA Green Energy Contractor Deotima Gangopadhyay 1st Year Full Time MBA Eric Wrigley 1st Year Full Time MBA Full Team: Swapna AroraBrandon Burgess Ashish PaulJoe Cohen Rodrigo Velasquez
Background HUD’s mandate to provide affordable homes to low-income housing Optimize solutions for energy usage with 3 pillars: –Technology –Financing –Customer awareness
Three Pillars Technology ●Portfolio approach ●National, Regional, Building. Financing ●Approval process optimization ●Equity market utilization $$ Customer Awareness ●Tech. based programs ●HUD spons. education programs
First Pillar: Technology Nation-wide measures Utilize current and readily-affordable technology Incentivize peak-time energy consumption reduction
First Pillar: Technology PJM & Regional Innovation Distributed Generation Mapping System Use real-time data to predict demand/supply cycles within the Power-Grid D.G. Causes Volatility Wind & Solar only work on mother nature’s schedule – making these sources unpredictable.
First Pillar: Technology Multi-Unit Building Measures VFD installations/ retrofitting Virtual Energy Management system Solar water heaters Community Renewables D.C. Passed “A ” Spearheaded by DCSUN
Second Pillar: Financing Processing and Pre-Approval process HUD Centralized Project registration Project seeking HUD or FHA assistance will register their project with HUD Automated approval process Checklist of pre-approved technologies based on current standards Priority funding For multi-family community projects
Second Pillar: Financing ●Public-private equity financing –Alternative financing »Mosaic Solar »Sun Funder –Cooperatives »Community members-investors –Cohesion funding »Local government budget »Budget management at local level
Third Pillar: Customer Awareness Encourage owner partnership with HUD HUD approved lender list Grants for ‘Energy audits’ Encourage community involvement Educational: community workshops, newsletters Web-based energy calculators: Home energy saver
HUD Subsidies/Calc. Methodologies Types of meters –Master, check, individual Recommended adjustments –Check Tiered rate system –Individual Alter allowances per consumption level –Partnership with energy tracking firms OPower, Google Nest –Geostellar/ Solar calculator tool’s
Conclusion Efficient technology Easier financing options Better customer awareness $$
Thank you Welcome to Home Savings: Distributed Generation in Multifamily Housing