Page 2 About the Hands-On This hands-on section is structured in a way, that it allows you to work independently, but still giving you the possibility to consult step-by-step instructions. Each given task will be divided into two sections Actual Task Conditions, goals and short instructions Allowing you to work independently Detailed instructions (step-by-step walk through) In case you can not come up with own solutions
Page 3 Real Infrastructure Environment Policy Manager and Console on single computer One managed host (AVCS 6) F-Secure AVCS 6 F-Secure PMS / PMC Root Update Server
Page 4 Imaginary Infrastructure During this hands-on we will create an imaginary infrastructure 2 offices (Helsinki and Munich) 3 imaginary workstations (Helsinki: wks02 / Munich: wks03 and wks04) 1 real workstation in Helsinki (wks01) 1 file server in each office (Helsinki: filesrv01 / Munich: filesrv02) 1 DNS server in each office (Helsinki: dnssrv01 / Munich: dnssrv02) Subsidiary Munich Headquarters Helsinki wks03wks04wksXXwks02 AVCS 6 filesrv02dnssrv02 filesrv01dnssrv01PMS/PMC
Page 5 Task Overview Task 1: Create a new security level Task 2: Testing dynamic rules Task 3: Managing Application Control Task 4: Testing Network Quarantine
Page 6 Task 1: Create your own Security Level Create a new security level with the name ”CustomTest” Activate it on sub-domain level ”Development/HEL” Configure the ruleset described below Allow rules 1st Rule: Web access (HTTP and DNS over UDP, to all hosts) 2nd Rule: Ping outbound (to all hosts) Deny rules 3rd Rule: Ping inbound (from all hosts, with alerting, type: security alert) 4rd Rule: Catch rule (deny all bi-directional, from/to all hosts) => Task continues on next page
Page 7 Task 1: Create your own Security Level Test your rules Check the DNS resolution (use nslookup) Define application control access types for prompted applications Make sure the same application are not prompted at next launch! Open Internet Explorer. Does the web access work? Apply same access types as above Check your rules with the local web interface ( Ping your host from the console. Does the ping work? Also monitor your policy domain (both console and host). Anything unusual? => After you finished the testing, and everything works, continue on page 28
Page 8 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Creating a new security level Open Firewall Security Settings Click ”Add” (name it ”Custom Test”)
Page 9 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Make ”CustomTest” the active level for the ”Development/HEL” sub- domain Lock the setting
Page 10 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Create the first new rule Select the policy root domain (F-Secure) Open Firewall Rules, there are no rules in the new rule set Create a rule
Page 11 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through The first rule will be an allow rule
Page 12 The rule will be applied to connections created to any remote host Creating a new Security Level Walk Through
Page 13 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Specify outbound DNS and HTTP Use the predefined “HTTP” and “DNS” service (DNS over UDP!)
Page 14 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through No flags or alerts needed for this rule Click “Next” Name the rule “Web Access” and click “Finish”
Page 15 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Create a catch rule as the last security level rule (on root level!) Deny all traffic in both directions (inbound and outbound) Distribute policies
Page 16 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Check that the policy has arrived on your host Active security level should be ”CustomTest” and it should be locked
Page 17 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Check that DNS works Open command prompt nslookup
Page 18 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through You are running nslookup for the first time. Application Control has intercepted the server listen connection (UDP) Choose “Do not show this dialogue for this program again” and click “Allow”
Page 19 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Open the web interface Open Internet Explorer (allow the outbound connection) WebUI URL:
Page 20 Use the web interface to check the rules you created with the PMC Creating a new Security Level Walk Through
Page 21 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Ping test First try to ping your PMC computer from the your managed host and then the other way around Neither ping should work, as your current rules do not allow this
Page 22 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Create a rule allowing outbound ping Apply the rule to the sub-domain “Finland” Use the pre-configured service “Ping” No alerting needed (accept default) Name the rule “Ping outbound”
Page 23 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Create a rule denying inbound ping Apply the rule to the sub-domain “Finland” Use the pre-configured service “Ping” Activate alerting Alert type: “Security Alert” Alert trap: “Network Event: Inbound Service Denied” Name the rule “Ping inbound”
Page 24 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Check the new rules Select the sub-domain “Finland” “Web Access” and “Deny rest” rule should be grayed out (inherited from the root domain!) Distribute policies
Page 25 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through Ping your host from the Policy Manager computer Ping still shouldn’t go through
Page 26 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through The echo request has created a security alert Check alerts from Policy Manger Console
Page 27 Creating a new Security Level Walk Through A pop-up alert should be visible on the workstation Click “Show All” for an alert summary
Page 28 Creating a new Security Level Task Summary You have now created your own security level, and added firewall rules which allow the host to Connect to the internet (using HTTP only) Resolve DNS names (using DNS over UDP) Generate outbound ping requests
Page 29 Task 2: Testing Dynamic Rules Understanding dynamic application control rules is very important Dynamic rules are located before the last catch rule (deny all rule) Remember that rules are read top to bottom Static firewall rules are applied first If there is no static rule match, the traffic might be allowed by one of the dynamic rules (e.g. inbound SMB, TCP 445) Remember, that even though you have a bi-directional deny rule as a last rule, dynamic rules might allow traffic, before the deny rule can take effect! => Task continues on next page
Page 30 Task 2: Testing Dynamic Rules A good example to show the function of dynamic rules is, to enable remote access to the host’s local web interface Change the current policy in a way, that remote connections from both local host and remote hosts are accepted No static firewall rule is needed Search the policy setting in the MIB tree (Advanced Mode) => Task continues on next page ?
Page 31 Task 2: Testing Dynamic Rules As next step, allow connections to the local host’s web interface only from the Policy Manager Console Change the current ruleset so, that unauthorized hosts connecting to the web interface generate a security alert Distribute policies Try to connect to your host’s web interface (from the console) The connection should work! Now, ask your neighbour to establish a connection to your host The connection should be refused! You should get a security alert, both on your host and on the console => After you finished the whole task, continue on page 46
Page 32 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Activate remote access to the local web user interface Setting only available in Advanced more (View/Advanced Mode) F-Secure Internet Shield/Settings/Firewall Service/HTTP Mode = For Both Local and Remote Hosts Distribute policies!
Page 33 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Connect to your client’s local web interface (from the console) Open Internet Explorer, :58581/
Page 34 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Create a new service Open Firewall Services and click “Add”
Page 35 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Name the service “HTTP58581” Use a comment field for a short description
Page 36 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Set the IP-Protocol as TCP
Page 37 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Set the Initiator Ports as >1023
Page 38 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Set the Responder Port as 58581
Page 39 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Set the classification number Choose “Other well-known TCP services (6000)”
Page 40 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through No need to enable extra filtering
Page 41 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Review the service summary Click “Finish”
Page 42 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Create a rule, using the created service (HTTP58581) Select sub-domain “Development/HEL” Define an inbound rule, allowing web interface remote access only from the console.
Page 43 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Create a second rule, using the same service Select sub-domain “Development/HEL” Define an inbound deny rule, restricting connections to the local web interface from all remote hosts Enable alerting (type: security alert) Name the rule “Restrict access to WebUI (inbound)” Important: This rule has to be placed after the rule created on the previous page!
Page 44 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through Open Internet Explorer on your console Connect to :58581/ Why does it work? Ask your neighbour to establish a connection to the host’s web interface Monitor the console and host alerts Anything unusual? Disable the “Restrict access to WebUI (inbound)” rule (distribute policies) Ask your neighbour to connect again. Why does it work now?
Page 45 Testing Dynamic Rules Walk Through 1.Static rules are enabled, only connections from the console are allowed. Why? Static rules are applied before dynamic rules The 3rd static rule blocks all remote web interface connections from hosts other than the console 2.With disabled static rules, the connection works from everywhere! Why? The firewall daemon (fsdfwd.exe) is listening by default to port
Page 46 Task 3: Managing Application Control Goal: Configure a safe Application Control environment Select sub-domain ”Development/HEL” Create rules for the following applications Internet Explorer (allow establishing of outbound connections only!) Nslookup (allow inbound connection listen only!) Restrict all new (unknown) applications from establishing connections Both client and server applications Create a custom message, applied when unknown applications try to establish connections. => After you completed this task, continue on page 54
Page 47 Managing Application Control Walk Through Create an Application Control list Select the root policy domain (F-Secure) Start your list with the Internet Explorer (IEXPLORE.EXE) Click “Create Rule(s)”
Page 48 Managing Application Control Walk Through Choose the application control rule type Allow IEXPLORE.EXE acting as client (outbound) Deny IEXPLORE.EXE acting as server (inbound)
Page 49 Managing Application Control Walk Through Choose “No message” Click “Next”
Page 50 Managing Application Control Walk Through Apply this rule to the whole policy domain Choose “F-Secure” and click “Finish”
Page 51 Managing Application Control Walk Through Create a second rule for NSLOOKUP.EXE Deny the application to act as client Allow it to act as a server Don’t show a message to the user (default) Apply the rule to sub-domain “Development/HEL”
Page 52 Managing Application Control Walk Through Check your Application Control rule list Activate sub-domain “Development/HEL”
Page 53 Managing Application Control Walk Through As a next step, you deny all new, unknown applications Activate sub-domain “Development/HEL” Deny both unknown client and server applications Enable default messages for unknown applications (define a custom message) Distribute policies
Page 54 Managing Application Control System Testing Test your Application Control list Open Internet Explorer Client application should be allowed Open the command prompt (run => cmd) Type in: “nslookup Server application should be allowed Type in: “ping ” Client application will generate a connection prompt What is the reason for this behaviour?
Page 55 Managing Application Control System Testing Ping.exe was rejected, because the current policy denies all new, unknown application connections Ping.exe has been automatically added to the application control list This is the recommended behaviour for real environments! For the remaining hands-on tasks, it is more convenient to restore the default settings Select sub-domain “Development/HEL” Clear “default action for client/server applications” Distribute policies
Page 56 Task 4: Testing Network Quarantine Before you start testing, check the current policy for sub-domain ”Development/HEL” Will it allow you to test the feature? Check the Network Quarantine default configuration What network connections will be possible, once the host access is restricted? Test Network Quarantine Try to quarantine your host without disabling real-time scanning! => Congratulations, you completed the Internet Shield Hands-On
Page 57 Testing Network Quarantine Walk Through Network Quarantine doesn’t need any special configuration Default settings are OK Lower the virus definitions age time value (e.g. 1 minute) Distribute policies
Page 58 Testing Network Quarantine Walk Through Change to your host Monitor your Internet Shield security level (it will change to: “Access restricted”)
Page 59 Testing Network Quarantine Walk Through Allowed network connections F-Secure updates from F-Secure Root Update Server Automatic Update Server (AUS) Automatic Update Proxy (AUP) Inbound restricted ICMP allowed (e.g. destination unreachable) All other traffic (inbound & outbound) is denied
Page 60 Internet Shield Hands-On That’s it! You have now completed the Internet Shield Administration Hands-On.