INTERVICT International Victimology Institute Tilburg Legal developments in the field of violence against women in Western Europe Renée Römkens UNODC-UNDAW Expert Group Meeting Vienna, May 26-29,2008.
European supra-national legal developments European Union (EU) - 27 Member States Instruments specifically dedicated to violence against women No binding dedicated legal instruments Policy instruments (Declarations) Daphne Programme (on violence against women, young people and children) of the European Commission General human rights instruments (Eur Convention for the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms; European Court of Human rights jurisprudence). Relevant general victim rights instruments: EU Framework Decision on the standing of victims in criminal proceedings (March 2001)
European supra-national legal developments - continued Council of Europe (CoE) – 44 (plus) Member States No binding legal instruments Policy instruments: Recommendation (2002)5 Council of Europe Task Force to combat violence against women, including domestic violence Several regional seminars ( ) -> legal and policy recommendations Research European Convention in the making?
Current trends in national legislation in Europe Scattered and substantial differences among Member States Few comprehensive legal strategies or action plans that encompass prevention, protection and punishment. Focus is on criminalization. Thematically: focus on domestic violence. marital rape exemption is lifted in only 12 MS legal strategies focusing on prevention - like the use of barring or no-go order - are only slowly introduced Increasing attention for violence against women that is related to migration (forces marriages, ‘honour’ related violence). Conclusion: much work to be done Future: Impact in European countries of the use of the UN Convention to End Discrimination Against Women Optional Protocol - Views/Communications of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women
Law on the books – law in action Law and the implementation of law Need for monitoring instruments Need for evaluation research Need for strong and independent feminist organizations/ political lobby