B.E.E.P. Basic Earth Exploration Probe Siberian State Aerospace University Krasnoyarsk Russia International class
Team Egor Krylov Parachute design and manufacturing; Structure design and manufacturing; Main assembly; Flight tests. Nikita Boev Actuators controllers design; Camera interaction software; RF design, high gain antenna manufactoring; Ground control unit assembly; Flight tests. Oleg Skiba Graphic user interface for ground control unit (GCU); Mapping software assembly. Ivan Makarov Project manager Central controller hardware and basic software design;
B.E.E.P. missions Primary: Temperature and pressure measurements; Specific: Photography and transmission them with realtime error correction; Comeback mission.
B.E.E.P. Design: payload and control
B.E.E.P. Design: actuation and power source
Central controller system MEMS IMU Absolute barometer for altimeter GPS receiver High computational performance 5 external serial ports, ethernet port Features
Mission algorithm Actions after release: Waiting for parachute opening. When barometric altitude is lower than it’s maximum for 10 meters; Starts telemetry recording and photography; Starts data transmitting process; Waits 2 seconds for flight stabilization; Checks GPS signal reacquiring; Stars return mission control; Stops control, telemetry and photographs recording after 10 seconds of constant barometric altitude. Keeps transmitting gained data till the last written file.
Ground control unit
Mass summary System's componentPrice, Euro Autopilot400 Battery30 Step motors + actuators40 Datalink (including ground segment)60 Parachute material20 CANSAT frame's material and CNC mill services50 Ground control unit100 Summ700