Transportation Alternatives for Energy Efficiency: A National Perspective Dr. Michael D. Meyer, P.E. F. R. Dickerson Chair and Professor School of Civil.


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Presentation transcript:

Transportation Alternatives for Energy Efficiency: A National Perspective Dr. Michael D. Meyer, P.E. F. R. Dickerson Chair and Professor School of Civil and Environmental Engineering Georgia Institute of Technology

Transportation System Planning and Design Construction and Maintenance Practices Transportation System Management and Operations Vehicle and Fuel Policies Transportation Planning and Funding Land Use Codes, Regulations, and other Policies Taxation and Pricing Travel Demand Management

Strategy Name Key Deployment Assumptions Transportation System Planning, Funding, and De sign Highways % Fuel/GHG Reduction in 2030 Capacity Expansion 25 – 100% increase in economically justified investments over current levels 0.07 – 0.29% [0.25 – 0.96%] Bottleneck Relief Improve top 100 to 200 bottlenecks nationwide by – 0.21 [0.29 – 0.66%] HOV Lanes Convert all existing HOV lanes to 24-hour operation 0.02% 0.00% Convert off-peak direction general purpose lane to reversible HOV lane on congested freeways 0.07 – 0.18% Construct new HOV lanes on all urban freeways 0.05% Truck-only Toll Lanes Constructed to serve 10 – 40% of VMT in large/high density urban areas 0.03 – 0.15% Transit Urban Fixed- Guideway Transit Expansion rate of 2.4 – 4.7% annually 0.17 – 0.65% High-Speed Intercity Rail 4 – 11 new HSR corridors 0.09 – 0.18%

Strategy Name Key Deployment Assumptions Transportation System Planning, Funding, and Design Non-motorized % Fuel/GHG Reduction in 2030 Pedestrian Improvements Pedestrian improvements implemented near business districts, schools, transit stations 0.10 – 0.31% Bicycle Improvements Comprehensive bicycle infrastructure implemented in moderate to high-density urban neighborhoods 0.09 – 0.28% Freight Rail Freight Infrastructure Aspiration estimates of potential truck-rail diversion resulting from major program of rail infrastructure investments 0.01 – 0.22% Ports and Marine Infrastructure & Operations Land and marine-side operational improvements at container ports 0.01 – 0.02%

Strategy Name Key Deployment Assumptions Transportation System Planning, Funding, and Design Construction and Maintenance Practices% Fuel/GHG Reduction in 2030 Construction Materials Fly-ash cement and warm-mix asphalt used in highway construction throughout U.S. 0.7 – 0.8% Other Transportation Agency Activities Alternative fuel DOT fleet vehicles, LEED- certified DOT buildings 0.1% Transportation System Management and Operations Traffic Management Deployment of traffic management strategies on freeways and arterials at rate of 700 to 1,400 miles/year nationwide, in locations of greatest congestion 0.07 – 0.08% [0.89 – 1.3%] Ramp MeteringCentrally controlled 0.01% [0.12 – 0.22%] Incident Management Detection and response, including coordination through traffic management center 0.02 – 0.03% [0.24 – 0.34%]

Strategy Name Key Deployment Assumptions Transportation System Planning, Funding, and Design Transportation System Management and Operations% Fuel/GHG Reduction in 2030 Signal Control Management Upgrade to closed loop or traffic adaptive system 0.00% [0.01 – 0.10%] Active Traffic Management Speed harmonization, lane control, queue warning, hard shoulder running 0.01 – 0.02% [0.24 – 0.29%] Integrated Corridor Management Multiple strategies 0.01 – 0.02% [0.24 – 0.29%] Real-Time Traffic Information 511, DOT website, personalized information 0.00% [0.02 – 0.07%] Transit Service Fare Reductions25 – 50% fare reduction (2); 50% fare reduction (5) 0.02 – 0.09% 0.3% Improved Headways and LOS 10 – 30% improvement in travel speeds through infrastructure/ops strategies 0.05 – 0.10% Increase service (min: add 40% to off-peak; max: also add 10% to peak) 0.2 – 0.6% Intercity passenger rail service expansion Min: increase federal capital/operating assistance 5% annually vs. trend; Max: Double fed operating assistance then increase 10% annually 0.05 – 0.11% Intercity bus service expansion 3% annual expansion in intercity bus service0.06%

Strategy Name Key Deployment Assumptions Transportation System Planning, Funding, and Design Truck Operations % Fuel/GHG Reduction in 2030 Truck Idling Reduction 30 – 100% of truck stops allow trucks to plug in for local power 0.02 – 0.06% 26 – 100% of sleeper cabs with onboard idle reduction technology 0.09 – 0.28% Truck Size and Weight Limits Allow heavy/long trucks for drayage and non-interstate natural resources hauls 0.03% Urban Consolidation Centers Consolidation centers established on periphery of large urbanized areas; permitting of urban deliveries to require consolidation 0.01% Reduced Speed Limits 55 mph national speed limit1.2 – 2.0%

Strategy Name Key Deployment Assumptions Transportation System Planning, Funding, and Design Travel Demand Management% Fuel/GHG Reduction in 2030 Workplace TDM (general) Widespread employer outreach and alternative mode support 0.1 – 0.6% Teleworking Doubling of current levels 0.5 – 0.6% Compressed Work Weeks Minimum – 75% of government employees; Maximum – double current private participation (1) Requirement to offer 4/40 workweek to those whose jobs are amenable (5) 0.1 – 0.3% 2.4% Ridematching, Carpool, and Vanpool Extensive rideshare outreach and support0.0 – 0.2% Mass MarketingMass marketing in 50 largest urban areas0.14% Individualized Marketing Individualized marketing reaching 10 percent of population 0.14 – 0.28% Car-Sharing Subsidies for start-up/operations 0.05 – 0.20%

Grasman, et al, “Alternative Energy Resources for the Missouri DOT,” Jan Missouri DOT

Grasman, et al, “Alternative Energy Resources for the Missouri DOT,” Jan

Sivek and Schoettle, “Eco-Driving: Strategic, Tactical and Operational Decisions of the Driver that Improve Vehicle Fuel Economy,” UMTRI, University of Michigan, Aug

“Furthermore, increased efforts should also be directed at increasing vehicle occupancy, which has dropped by 30% from That drop, by itself, increased the energy intensity of driving per occupant by about 30%.” Sivek and Schoettle, “Eco-Driving: Strategic, Tactical and Operational Decisions of the Driver that Improve Vehicle Fuel Economy,” UMTRI, University of Michigan, Aug

MARTA Carbon Footprint Carbon Footprint of MARTA (2008)

“Driving and the Built Environment” (TRB, Sept 2009) 1.More compact development patterns are likely to reduce VMT. 2. The most reliable studies estimate that doubling residential density across a metropolitan area might lower household VMT by about 5 to 12 percent, and perhaps by as much as 25 percent, if coupled with higher employment concentrations, significant public transit improvements, mixed uses, and other supportive demand management measures.

3. More compact, mixed-use development can produce reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions both directly and indirectly. 4. Significant increases in more compact, mixed-use development result in only modest short-term reductions in energy consumption and CO2 emissions, but these reductions will grow over time. – Bottom Line: Reduction in VMT, Energy Use, and CO2 emissions from more compact, mixed-use development in the range of <1 % to 11 % by – Committee disagreed about plausibility of extent of compact development and policies needed to achieve high end estimates.

5.Promoting more compact, mixed use development on a large scale will require overcoming numerous obstacles. 6. Changes in development patterns entail other benefits and costs that have not been quantified in this study.

“Moving Cooler” (ULI/CS, 2009) Evaluated non-technology transportation strategies for (a) GHG reductions and (b) cost-effectiveness in reducing GHG Analyzed 46 individual transportation strategies and 6 “bundles” The 6 “bundles” of strategies: 1.Near Term/Early Results 2.Long Term/Maximum Results 3.Land Use/Transit/Non-motorized 4.System and Driver Efficiency 5.Facility Pricing 6.Low Cost Did not analyze technology/fuel strategies (instead, technology is part of the baseline)

Individual strategies achieve GHG reductions ranging from <0.5% to 4.0% cumulatively , compared to on-road baseline GHG 15,186 mmt - carbon pricing equivalent to $2.71/gallon 3,361 mmt – VMT fees equivalent to $2.53/gallon 2,428 mmt – speed limit reductions/enforcement 2,233 mmt – PAYD auto insurance (100%) 1,815 mmt – eco-driving by 20% of drivers 1,445 mmt – at least 90% of new urban development is compact, with high quality transit 1,241 mmt – congestion pricing fully implemented in 120 metro areas at 65 cents/mile 575 mmt - $1.2 trillion transit expansion 352 mmt – combination of 10 freight strategies

Promote transit-oriented design (TOD) by increasing housing and job density near transit nodes. Promote mixed use development. Increase the connectivity of new developments, using techniques such as reducing the number of cul- de-sacs and increasing the number of through streets. Integrate safe bikeways and pedestrian paths into the transportation mix and provide bicycle parking and other facilities to encourage bicycling. SANDAG

Summary Transportation sector an important source of energy savings Vehicle/fuel strategies most effective Pricing, not surprisingly, the most effective of behavioral strategies Systems operations…as a package Transit….it all depends Land use….it all depends