Sector Planning Process Alachua County Commission July 8 th,
Sector Plans - s , F.S. intended to promote “long-term planning for conservation, development, and agriculture on a landscape scale… and to facilitate protection of regionally significant resources.” “… intended for substantial geographic areas that include at least 15,000 acres” “are to emphasize urban form and protection of regionally significant resources and public facilities”. Sector Plan requirements blend local comprehensive plan amendment and Development of Regional Impact issues and processes. 2
Sector Plans Two levels: Legislative: 1) adoption of a long-term master plan for the entire area considered part of the Sector Plan as an amendment to the County’s Comprehensive Plan, and Quasi-Judicial: 2) adoption by local development order of at least two detailed specific area plans (DSAPs) of at least 1,000 acres that implement the long-term master plan 3
Long-Term Master Plan and Detailed Specific Area Plan May be based upon a planning period longer than the generally applicable planning period of the local comprehensive plan Shall specify the projected population within the planning area during the chosen planning period May include a phasing or staging schedule that allocates a portion of the local government’s future growth to the planning area Are not required to demonstrate need based upon projected population growth or on any other basis 4
Long-term Master Plan Requirements in Chapter 163, F.S. generally for Comprehensive Plan Amendments, as well as Specific requirements in s , F.S. for Sector Plan Long-Term Master Plans, including: Framework map Water supply Transportation facilities and other public facilities Natural resources Urban form Permanent preservation of sensitive lands Intergovernmental coordination 5
Long-Term Master Plan Section (4), Florida Statutes: State Coordinated Review Process for comprehensive plan amendments Transmittal Stage: Planning Commission acting as the Local Planning Agency Public Hearing County Commission Public Hearing State Review by DEO and other state agencies Adoption Stage: County Commission Public Hearing 6
Transmittal Stage Transmit Proposed Plan amendment to : The State Land Planning Agency – the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) - and Review Agencies: Regional Planning Council Water Management District Department of Environmental Protection Department of State Department of Transportation Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Department of Agriculture and Administrative Services 7
Transmittal Stage Once transmittal package is received by the Department of Economic Opportunity Within 5 days: DEO notifies local government of receipt of the amendment and whether it is complete. Within 30 days: reviewing agencies send comments to DEO Within 60 days: DEO issues the Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report (ORC) to the local government. 8
Adoption Phase Adoption hearing held within 180 days after receipt of the ORC Report from the State or amendment is deemed withdrawn (timeframe may be extended by agreement). Within 10 working days amendment package sent to DEO and any agency that provided comments. The State Land Planning Agency shall determine the completeness of the package and notify the local government within five working days of receipt. 9
Effective Date – Notice of Intent “Notice of Intent” to find plan in compliance or not in compliance with Comprehensive Plan amendment statutes issued by DEO within 45 days of receipt of complete application. Copy of Notice of Intent posted on DEO’s website. Plan amendment shall go into effect pursuant to the State Land Planning Agency's Notice of Intent if in compliance and no challenge has been filed by an affected party 10
Long-term Master Plan Upon the long-term master plan becoming legally effective: Any long-range transportation plan developed by a metropolitan planning organization must be consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with the long-term master plan Water needs, sources, and water resource development, and water supply development projects identified in adopted plan shall be incorporated into the district and regional water supply plans. Consumptive use permits may be issued for durations commensurate with the long-term master plan or detailed specific area plan 11
Master Development Approval An applicant may apply for a master development approval: Concurrent with or subsequent to review and adoption of a long- term master plan Pursuant to s (21) – the Development of Regional Impact statutes Main purpose is to establish a buildout date until which the approved uses and densities and intensities are not subject to downzoning, unity density reduction or intensity reduction, unless Master plan is not continuing in good faith, or Substantial changes in conditions underlying approval of the plan have occurred, or Plan was based on inaccurate information, or Essential to public health, safety, or welfare 12
Detailed Specific Area Plan Process Implements long-term master plan Local government development order County Unified Land Development Code requires DSAPs to be submitted as Planned Developments (ULDC Section (a)) Once adopted, County can’t downzone for a specified period except under certain circumstances (Master Development Approval) Requires a minimum of two public hearings: Planning Commission County Commission 13
Detailed Specific Area Plan Detailed identification of and analysis of the following with conditions and commitments that provide for: Max and min densities and intensities and location of future land uses Water supply Transportation facilities and other public facilities Natural resources Urban form Permanent preservation of sensitive lands Intergovernmental coordination 14
Plum Creek Sector Plan Time Line September 23, 2013 Scoping Meeting with other agencies and the applicant Regional Planning Council, FDOT, Fish and Wildlife, Department of Economic Opportunity, surrounding cities and counties – Gainesville, Hawthorne, Putnam County, Alachua County School Board, and the public Application Submitted December 12, 2013 Staff comments on application completeness/sufficiency February 12th Additional Information submitted by applicant - March 31 st On April 9 th, staff comments on additional information submitted by the applicant on March 31 st with option to proceed to staff report Received new and amended information from applicant June 24,
Status of Plum Creek Application Complete review of application – 6-8 weeks Issues to decide: venues for workshops or hearings Number of workshops/hearings on specific topics to include: General Overview Environmental issues Transportation/Urban Cluster Economic-Fiscal Impact/East Gainesville Plan/Staff follow-up to questions Website for links to the application: /plumcreek/ 16