continuous learners responsible, caring citizens Inspiring… In a global community Eric Hamilton Assistant Principal for Curriculum & Instruction Lake Zurich High School
To describe our planning and implementation process To inform you of how and why we are employing student workers To describe how and what information was presented to the Board of Education To share our experiences, successes, and challenges
Core Team Creation Fall 2011: Discussion of Cell phone/PED use February 2011: Cell phone/PED pilot 2011 – 2012 School Year: Cell phone/PED for everyone February 2012: Comparison of tablets 2012 – 2013 School Year: iPad pilot February 2013: Board of Education Proposal 2013 – 2014 School Year: 1,300 iPads 2014 – 2015: Add 1,100 iPads 2015 – 2016: Add 1,100 iPads
Started with a team of four teachers Environmental Science One course, two levels Advanced Placement and co-taught with Special Education Teachers were intentionally selected Tied to curriculum development Time and resources given Focus for Instructional Technologist
Grade distribution in comparison to previous years Percentage of students with hands on device during random class periods Anecdotal data from teachers Anecdotal data from students Use of all of the data in the presentation to the Board of Education
Provided one update to Board of Education in the late Fall Video of students using the iPad Prior to the presentation, key members of the Board were invited to come into classes to observe and interact with both students and teachers Lessons observed were using Back-Channel for class discussion and the results of “flipping” a lesson Provided time for Board members to speak with teachers to discuss progress
Core team continued to meet and discuss progress As needed, the core team would invite other stakeholders and influential people ($) to meet with the team Observed New Trier High School’s 1:1 program and met with the D214 Technology Director
Tied student actions to district mission statement Focused on 21 st Century Skills Emphasized the skills of collaboration, communication, creation, and curation Referenced Board Member visits Presented data on the positive impact on teaching and learning Described how students individualized the learning process Defined funding options for the Board of Education
Based upon observing other schools, we developed a proposal process and evaluation rubric for teachersproposal processevaluation rubric The information was provided to teachers in advance Any interested, non-submitting teacher, was invited to evaluate the proposals using a Google Form Results were tabulated and reviewed
Spring presentation to faculty Outline of process moving forward Professional development iPad distribution timeline
April roll-out Use of the PSAE days for professional development Use of the May institute day for professional development Final exam days for distribution to select teachers Core area teachers of a freshman class Three days over the summer for professional development and planning
Focus of professional development: Demonstration and modeling of how to integrate aspects of the iPad into the classroom Time to work in teams to modify or create curriculum that successfully integrates the technology to enhance student learning April 23 or 24 Collaborate, communicate, create, and curate, while planning lessons and working with students June 11 Google Forms, Edmodo, and integration time June 27 iMovie, AppleTV, and integration time August 22 Mastery Manager online and integration time
The expectation is to move from one letter to the next on the SAMR model.SAMR
New District Tech Assigned to support district iDevices K-12. Former Apple store Genius for the last 5 years. Will be dividing time between all buildings providing support for district iDevices. Additional IT Assigned to support HS and Middle Schools with Alice Curriculum and Instruction focus New Student Tech Group 6 High School Students providing a student Genius bar to the High School students during lunch. Work this summer to train and help prepare the to 1 iPads. Leverage them to build How to and answer forum questions to expand the help to the middle school students through the forum.
Six students three seniors, one junior, and two sophomores. Out of 77 applicants Skills assessment, teacher recommendations, interview Assisted students in setting up the iPad Created training hand-outs Created training videos During the school year: Will assist students during lunch periods Will monitor support forums and will respond to posts Will create training videos for students and teachers As a means to provide additional support for students, an online help desk has been created
A place for “how to”s and to see previous posts and answers Is monitored and has be an or to post iAgents answer forum questions during their shifts. Middle school students can post questions for answers iAgent Help Desk iAgent Help Desk Monthly report Monthly report
Total number of iPads to distribute: 1303 Online registration Daytime and evening hours available 30 students per hour Self-paced set-up process Total distributed over seven days: 1195 Self-paced training Approximately 30 to 40 minutes to complete set- up Students were able to individualize the set-up At their pace Hands-on Fully engaged Significant number of those trained receive accommodations during the school year Video of iPad Orientation Video
All parents and students signed the Acceptable Use Policy Parents signed an iPad permission letteriPad permission letter Use of District Technology is a privilege CUSD 95 retains sole ownership and right of possession of the device Parents/guardians must supervise their children’s tablet use at home and discuss Internet safety The District will repair or replace damaged equipment resulting from normal use The iPad is covered with Apple Care + which provides a two-year warranty and includes up to 2 incidences of accidental damage coverage A $50 fee is incurred for the first incident and a $75 fee for the second
1 on 1 training Lunch and Learn opportunities Four first semester create, collaborate, curate, communicate, and organize while planning lessons and working with students Google Forms Notability iMovie AppleTV Edmodo Mastery Manager online
iPad distribution during final exams in January Self-paced set-up Lunch and Learn opportunities Four second semester create, collaborate, curate, communicate, and organize while planning lessons and working with students Google Forms Notability iMovie AppleTV Edmodo Mastery Manager online
Courage of staff Ability to take risks iAgents Students helping students Culture of ownership Individualization of learning At student’s own pace Spill-over to other classes Especially freshmen classes Momentum with teachers Desire to learn and move forward
Patience Success breeds desire Have vs. Have-nots Teaching students to use the device educationally Games vs. Notability Avoiding “app addiction” Making sure the set-up is done in advance Time
What questions do you have? Eric Hamilton Lake Zurich High School (847) 540 – 4112