Lesson 8 – Matthew 3:13–17, Luke 3:1–22 The Baptism of Jesus.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 8 – Matthew 3:13–17, Luke 3:1–22 The Baptism of Jesus

Christ WWJD – What does it mean? How old of a phrase do you think it is? 1896 – Charles Sheldon’s In His Steps "I heard some people singing at a church prayer meeting the other night, 'All for Jesus, all for Jesus, All my being's ransomed powers, All my thoughts, and all my doings, All my days, and all my hours.' and I kept wondering as I sat on the steps outside just what they meant by it. It seems to me there's an awful lot of trouble in the world that somehow wouldn't exist if all the people who sing such songs went and lived them out. I suppose I don't understand. But what would Jesus do? Is that what you mean by following His steps? It seems to me sometimes as if the people in the big churches had good clothes and nice houses to live in, and money to spend for luxuries, and could go away on summer vacations and all that, while the people outside the churches, thousands of them, I mean, die in tenements, and walk the streets for jobs, and never have a piano or a picture in the house, and grow up in misery and drunkenness and sin."

We know what Jesus did. And we can extrapolate Christ broke many conventions and upset a lot of people because of the change He brought, and the way He treated others A main theme of the New Testament – Unconditional Love – Unconventional Love

Jesus’ First Public Act Matthew 3: videos/videos/the-baptism-of- jesus?lang=eng videos/videos/the-baptism-of- jesus?lang=eng What is significant about this event? (v16-17) – All three members of the Godhead were present. – God is presenting His son When else has God presented His son? – The coming of Christ to America (3 Ne 11:7) – The first vision (JS-H 1:17) This is an introduction of Christ to the world, start of a dispensation.

Why? Let’s back up a bit. Why was Jesus baptized? Let’s back up even further. Who is John? – John the Baptist. – How is he related to Jesus? – Second Cousins Luke 3:2-4. Look for his message – “Prepare ye the way of the Lord” Rogier van der Weyden, ca. 1450

John the Preparer How was he preparing people? – Through Baptism. John was the last administrator of the Old Covenant, of the preparatory Priesthood given to the Levites to administer. Which priesthood? What can one do with that priesthood? Where else do we see John the Baptist associated with the Aaronic Priesthood? – It’s restoration

Luke 3:7-9 “God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham” What does this mean? – The Jews felt they were saved by birthright, because they were the people of Abraham. What instead must they do? (v9) – Bring forth good fruit. They must act.

“What shall we do then?” John starts teaching them repentance. (v11-14) v16 – “I indeed baptize you with water” – “he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost” John is teaching the first 4 principles and ordinances of the Gospel. So, again, why was Christ baptized? – (Matt 3:15) “for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness” – Christ had faith, didn’t need repentance, and was baptized to show God His good fruit.

Mosiah 18:8-11 “This is the desire of our hearts” – The spirit they felt inspired them to act. Missionary Discussions (Lessons) – Lesson 1: God, Christ, Joseph Smith, Book of Mormon – Lesson 2: Faith, Repentance, Baptism and Gift of the Holy Ghost 2 Nephi 31:4-5 – “Will you follow the example of Christ be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on (date)?” The Spirit will lead people to action. This is the action that Christ took and the action that we should take.

Notebook Ideas What actions has the Spirit inspired you to do in your life? How can you be like John and help others feel the Spirit and do good works accordingly?