3 rd Annual SIGHCI Workshop Conclusion Workshop Co-chairs’ Remarks Sponsor Acknowledgement & Presentations SIGHCI Chair’s Remarks SIGHCI Conference Planning SIGHCI Membership Award Presentations Workshop Survey AIS SIGHCI Association for Information Systems Special Interest Group on Human-Computer Interaction
3 rd Annual SIGHCI Workshop Workshop Participants: 80 Program Co-Chairs: –Fiona Nah –Mun Yi –Andrea Houston Submissions: 28 papers with 17 accepted, 61% acceptance Local Arrangement Co-Chairs: –Andrea Everard –Brian Jones Volunteers: –Jeannette Kelley –Na Li –Hong Sheng –Heshan Sun –Shu Zou AIS SIGHCI
3 rd Annual SIGHCI Workshop Sponsors College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University School of Information, University of Michigan School of Information and Library Science, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Information Sciences, University of Pittsburgh School of Information Studies, Syracuse University School of Information, University of Texas at Austin The Information School, University of Washington Presenter: Judy Olson, Richard W. Pew Collegiate Professor of Human Computer Interaction, University of Michigan AIS SIGHCI
SIGHCI Chair’s Remarks 4 th year of SIGHCI – established in July 2001 Largest SIG with > 300 members Acknowledgements –SIGHCI advisory board & all officers for their hard work –Workshop advisors & sponsors –Scott McCoy & Traci Hess, workshop co-chairs –Mun Yi & Andrea Houston (+ me), program co-chairs –Andrea Everard & Brian Jones, local arrangement co-chairs –Program Committee for their outstanding contributions and efforts –Session chairs, panelists, presenters & volunteers of workshop –All attendees for their participation in this workshop –All SIGHCI members for their contributions and support AIS SIGHCI
SIGHCI Chair’s Remarks Plans –Identity and community building –Communications and outreach –SIGHCI Sponsored Conferences/Workshop Mun Yi, Conference Planning Chair will elaborate further –Services to Members SIGHCI Website ( Gilbert Karuga SIGHCI Listserv: Ping Zhang SIGHCI Newsletters: Na (Lina) Li SIGHCI Teaching Resources: Jinwoo Kim SIGHCI Research Resources: Rick Downing AIS SIGHCI
SIGHCI Conference Planning Conferences/Workshops –Annual Pre-ICIS HCI/MIS Workshops 4 th annual HCI workshop, Las Vegas, December 2005 Workshop co-chairs: Scott McCoy & Traci Hess –AMCIS 2005 HCI track (more info. given later) Co-chaired by Scott McCoy, Fiona Nah, & Mun Yi –PACIS 2005 HCI track Co-chaired by Ping Zhang & Hock Chuan Chan –ECIS 2006 – HCI track (in progress) –HCII 2005 – SIGHCI sponsors 2 sessions Co-chaired by Fiona Nah & Scott McCoy AIS SIGHCI
SIGHCI Conference Planning AMCIS 2005 HCI Track –IT Accessibility – Eleanor Loiacono, Scott McCoy & Nicholas Romano –HCI with Mobile Devices – Peter Tarasewich & Fiona Nah –Information Visualization & Decision Support – David Schuff & Ozgur Turetken –Emergency Response Information Systems – Murray Turoff & Bartel Van de Walle –HCI Models and Issues in Information Seeking Engines – Rick Downing & Joi Moore –Personalization Systems – Il Im –Interface Design, Evaluation & Impact – Scott McCoy, Fiona Nah & Mun Yi Abstracts due to minitrack chairs: February 1, 2005 Submissions due: March 1, 2005 AIS SIGHCI
SIGHCI Membership Report
Presentation of Service Award Outstanding Service Award: Ping Zhang –Co-founded SIGHCI in July 2001 –Served as Chair from July 2001 to June 2004 –Accomplishments: SIGHCI bylaws & first office Chair of first two annual Pre-ICIS HCI workshops Organized HCI panels and tutorials Set up SIGHCI website & listserv Fast-tracked and co-edited special issues from SIGHCI sponsored workshops/conferences Helped dialog and bridge with other HCI associations/communities Edited first newsletter of SIGHCI AIS SIGHCI
Presentation of Best Reviewer Award Best Reviewer Selection Highlights Eighty-eight reviewers Two steps –Initial selection of nine best reviewer candidates Criteria –Thoroughness of the reviews –Helpfulness of the suggestions and feedback –Clarity and organization of reviews –Timeliness in returning the reviews –Final selection based on two program co-chairs’ rankings of overall quality AIS SIGHCI
Presentation of Best Reviewer Award Best reviewer nominees –Sid Davis –Weiyin Hong –Kai Lim –Susan Lippert –Paul Lowry –Nicholas Romano –Khawaja Saeed –Noam Tractinsky –Susan Wiedenbeck AIS SIGHCI
The Winner Is… Susan Wiedenbeck AIS SIGHCI Presentation of Best Reviewer Award
Presentation of Best Paper Award 5 Best Papers selected by Program Committee –Process described in proceedings Reviewers’ best paper nominations Reviewers’ numerical scores Degree of completeness of research Independent Best Paper Committee –Weiyin Hong –Susan Lippert –Paul Lowry –Nicholas Romano Thank you! AIS SIGHCI
5 Best Paper Nominees (in order of presentation) 1.An Empirical Study on the Roles of Affective Variables in User Adoption of Search Engines by Heshan Sun and Ping Zhang (paper #2) 2.Using Ratings and Response Latencies to Evaluate the Consistency of Immediate Aesthetic Perceptions of Web Pages by Noam Tractinsky, Avivit Cokhavi, and Moti Kirschenbaum (paper #5) 3.Instilling Social Presence through the Web Interface by Khaled Hassanein and Milena Head (paper #9) AIS SIGHCI
5 Best Paper Nominees (in order of presentation) 4.The Value of Mobile Commerce to Customers by Keng Siau, Hong Sheng, and Fiona Nah (paper #10) 5.A Process Tracing Study on Trust Formation in Recommendation Agents by Sherrie Komiak and Izak Benbasat (paper #14) AIS SIGHCI
Presentation of Best Paper Award Ranked #1 by 3 out of 4 Independent Best Paper Committee members AIS SIGHCI The Winner Is… “An Empirical Study on the Roles of Affective Variables in User Adoption of Search Engines” by Heshan Sun and Ping Zhang
AIS SIGHCI 3 rd Annual SIGHCI Workshop Workshop Survey Length of Workshop –1 or 2 days? –Format of Workshop: Parallel Sessions or Single Session? Return to Survey Box or Ph.D. student volunteers