2 Xora for the Public Sector 2 Government agencies and other public organizations face growing pressure to deliver higher levels of service, even as budgets shrink. Efficiency is more important than ever. With Xora, their whole operation can work more efficiently without compromising their ability to respond to citizens’ needs.
3 Market Overview Federal, State, Local, and Education Organizations: Public Works Sanitation, Waste Management, Water Services Parks & Recreation Transportation Departments Law Enforcement Utilities Economic & Workforce Development Mobile Workforce Automation is in the Growth Stage of the Product Lifecycle 4.8M Mobile Workforce Management Users by 2016 Frost & Sullivan 4.8M Mobile Workforce Management Users by 2016 Frost & Sullivan ~19.5% Xora’s Percent of Market Revenue Frost & Sullivan ~19.5% Xora’s Percent of Market Revenue Frost & Sullivan 33.5% Estimated CAGR Frost & Sullivan 33.5% Estimated CAGR Frost & Sullivan Target Market
4 Xora is the #1 market leader in mobile workforce management that helps mobile businesses and their field employees work smarter and faster.
5 Xora has 24,000+ Mobile Users In the Public Sector Space 5
6 Xora StreetSmart helps more than 16,000 organizations meet their productivity and service goals for about $1 per day per user “Using the Xora solution can help us tighten our work processes, reduce errors, and allow us to devote more time to address other citizen concerns” - Michael Jones, Deputy Chief Information Office, the City of Memphis
7 Benefits Across The Entire Organization Finance Dispatch Mobile Worker
8 Public Works 8
9 Company: Old Bridge Township the township has a total population of 65,375 making it the state's 18th largest municipalitythe state's 18th largest municipality >TOB utilizes 110 contracted companies for snow season Customer Problem: >Was with TNT on Sprint and was unhappy with reporting and mapping >Needs an accurate system to process payroll for contracted companies for snow season Solution/Customer Benefit: >Using time sheets for each individual for payroll >Mounted laptops in supervisors vehicles to run the web management Why We Won: >Relationship with Xora was key & was tag team effort w/VSC team. >Customer service and support won over TNT & Sprint Industry Experience Public Works: Township of Old Bridge, NJ UnitsProductDevice 110StandardRugby Smart
10 Public Works: State Department of Transportation 10 UnitsProductDevice 219In VehicleGenx Company: >This states DOTD exists to serve the transportation and water resources needs of the public of Louisiana Customer Problem: >Supervisors had no visibility into location of workers >Difficult to verify & track time of workers spent on jobs Solution/Customer Benefit: >Verify workers time spent on jobs >Able to meet budget >Crews are now more productive
11 Public Safety 11
12 Public Safety: Texas Department of Public Safety UnitsProductDevice 110StandardRugby II Company: >The Texas Department of Criminal Justice manages offenders in state prisons, jails and private correctional facilities that contract with TDCJ Customer Problem: >Warden had no visibility of transports >Concern for officer safety while transporting prisoners in between prisons >Difficult to verify where stopped and route deviation Solution/Customer Benefits: >Xora GPS location services on handsets >Safety has been increased by having more visibility >No route deviation
13 Compliance & Inspections 13
14 Health & Safety Inspections: City of Memphis 14 Company: >Memphis is the largest city in Tennessee and a major cultural center for the Southeastern United States. It has a metropolitan population of over one million. >After the death of a City worker on the job and reports of citizens violating ordinances, the City sought to improve zoning regulation enforcement, neighborhood clean-ups and visibility into the location of City workers Customer Problem: >Worker safety >redundant paperwork Solution/Customer Benefits: >Tighten work processes reducing errors >More time to address other citizen concerns >Workers in the field are safer and are more accountable for their work UnitsProductDevice 72PremiereTablet UnitsProductDevice 285In VehicleGenx
15 Introducing Xora StreetSmart Workforce Management from AT&T
16 Configurable, powerful mobile workforce productivity solution that enables agencies transformation. Xora Has What’s Important Today LOCATION JOBS FORMS Government Operations & Dispatch: 100% Web Based SaaS application Mobile Workers: Handsets/Tablets Reports TIME SHEETS INTEGRATION DATA
17 Public Works
24 Reduce Employee Overtime Save: $22,500 Reduce overtime by just ONE hour per employee per week Save $22,500 per year
25 Reduce Employee Overtime Save: $22,500 Reduce overtime by just ONE hour per employee per week Save $22,500 per year
26 Jobs: Create, Dispatch and Monitor Progress
27 Jobs: Create, Dispatch and Monitor Progress
28 Jobs: Create, Dispatch and Monitor Progress
41 Reduce Fuel Expenses Save $24, Drivers Reduce mileage by 15% per driver per week Save $24,750 per year
42 3 Easy Paths for Integration Simple data upload & download using common file formats, plus Connectors to popular office systems Xora web services
43 Forms: Increase Efficiency, Go Paperless
44 Reduce Paperwork Processing Time Save $11,250 Reduce time spent on payroll and forms paperwork by 50% Save $11,250 per year
45 Xora Solutions Deliver “Location-based” applications deliver savings and efficiencies >Reduce overtime by 13.4% >Reduce fuel costs by 13.2% >Reduce miles traveled by 19.2% >Increase productivity by 27.4% >Improve workforce utilization by 26.1% >Improve service response times by 23.8% Source: Aberdeen Group, October 2007
46 Xora StreetSmart Tools & Resources
47 >A code enforcement officer notices an exposed electrical main during a routine inspection >The officer notes the violation using Xora Mobile Forms >The appropriate departments are immediately alerted to take action >Using AT&T Enhanced Push-to-Talk, the officer is able to instantly have a two-way conversation and confirm with dispatch that the repair is imminent Xora StreetSmart with AT&T EPTT
48 >Cloud based >Integrated mobile forms >End-to-end job management >GPS locations services >Fastest access to worker activities >Open and powerful system integration Six Degrees of Separation
49 >Highway, road and bridge construction, repair and maintenance >Parks and recreation, conservation and forestry management >Building maintenance >Water delivery, sewage and storage facilities >Transit system maintenance Public Works 49
50 >Department of Corrections >Parole officers >Inmate transfers >Police and Sheriff offices >Fire protection Public Works 50
51 >Environmental >Public health >Public housing >Commercial property Public Works 51
52 >AT&T StreetSmart is listed in the WSCA and GSA purchasing systems Procurement Agencies
53 >Videos See how Xora StreetSmart can help agencies work smarter and faster >Downloads Sell sheets, white papers and brochures >Internal Sales Tools Sales roster, slides, savings calculator and more Available Tools
54 >Use Xora’s ROI calculator to estimate how much your customers can save ROI Calculator
55 Xora Sales Roster