All Optical Access Platforms for Fiber to the Home Networks Francesco Matera, Alessandro Valenti, Edion Tego, In cooperation with Istituto Superiore delle Comunicazioni e delle Tecnologie dell’informazione (ISCOM) FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June
2/18 Strategies for IP over Optics APPs versus Physical Layers (does APPs exploit all the fiber bandwidth?) Introduction of Measurement Plane (FP7 EU MPLANE project) Optical network experimental infrastructure Different platform for Digital Television on the same fibre infrastructure (experimental investigation) TV over IP (unicast, multicast); DVB-T over fiber (broadcast) MPLANE: QoE vs QoS: Tests on bandwidth exploitation (TCP vs UDP) Outline 2 FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June
3/18 Network Layer evolution 3 PP Physical Transport (TCP, UDP) Network (IP) Data Link Session Presentation Application APP High bit rate transmission IPTV VoLTE Games webTV 4G-5G Optical transmissions MPLS VPLS Carrier Ethernet New Reno, Cubic Current service model: Best efforts, TCP, Content delivery network (CDN) But congestion and QoS-QoE? Data Center
4/18 4 Network Business Models For current networks too low revenues for network operators To assure QoS: Class of Services based on logical and physical paths Optical wavelengths (L1); LSP (MPLS, VPLS, Carrier Ethernet) (L2.5) Software Defining Network and Network Function Virtualization New IP strategies: Content Centric Networks (CCN) (or Information- Centric Networks) from host to content oriented: user looks for contents, not for host! New role for routers: forwarding based on "name" and cash FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June
5/18 Optical fiber: new ether Switch/ router Optical fibre D GPON (Gigabit PON) ITU-T G or 2.4 Gbit/s down 155, 622, 1.2 or 2.4 Gbit/s up Up to 64(physical) Up to 128 (logical) 1490 nm Down 1310 nm Up (1550 nm Down for RF video) GEM: G-PON Encapsulation Method (supports Ethernet), ATM 10/20 km (up to 60 km EU 2020 Agenda: 50% at 100 Gb/s, i.e FTTB/H 5 Two wavelengths: IP and DVB-T IP managed with logical paths (VPLS) FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June
6/18 TEST BED FUB-ISCOM 6 FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June
7/18 7 TV over IP: Unicast vs Multicast Multicast: save bandwidth For Live TV We adopted Carrier Ethernet approach Provider Backbone Bridge (PBB) Traffic Engineering (TE) we used VPLS (Virtual Private LAN Service) to bring TE features in PBB (IETF draft-Balus) Fast zapping 120 ms 7 FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June
8/18 8 AN ePON FiberHome CoS over VPLS in PON networks
9/18 IP Server Multicast Client1 Client2 Client3 J1J1 J2J2 J4J4 J3J3 ALC1 ALC2 PBB- VPLS Multicast layer 2 Provider backbone bridge TE
10/18 10 TPON J1J4 J3 2 J4 WC λ1λ1 λ1λ1 λ1λ1 λ1λ1 λ1λ1 λ1λ1 λ1λ1 λ1λ1 λ2λ2 λ2λ2 J4 J3 J1 J2 Server Multicast Client1 Client2 Client3 All optical domain Different λ for different service based on all optical Wavelenght Converter Multicast layer 1: All optical multicast
11/18 11 RF TV Optical Spectrum
12/18 MPLANE Architecture
13/18 Use Cases 1. SLA Certification and Verification (FUB) 2. DaaS Troubleshooting (NEC) 3. Content and Service Popularity (NEC, ALBLF, Polito) 4. ISP/CDN Cooperation (ALBLF, FTW, Polito) 5. Streaming Delivery Active Measurements (Netvisor, TI, Fastweb) 6. WEB Browsing QoE (EURECOM, TI, Fastweb) 7. Mobile Network Performance (TID, FTW) 8. Large-Scale Network Anomaly Detection (Polito, FTW)
14/18 mSLAcert active probe A novel active probe has been introducted to verify and certify the bandwidth offerted to the users by the ISP It is based on UDP tests that measures bandwidth at layer 2 TCP tests are also included to measure throughput (layer 4)
15/18 mSLAcert status Capabilities 1. Ping – Dettail 2. Ping – Average 3. TCP throughput – Dettail 4. TCP throughput – Average 5. UDP throughput – Dettail 6. UDP throughput – Average 7. MSLA – Dettail 8. MSLA – Average
16/18 Tested in LAB Supervisor Probe
17/18 TCP limits for bandwidth exploitation 17 FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June
18/18 Bandwidth exploitation in GPON: TCP vs UDP (FP7 MPLANE) 18 TCP RTT=0 RTT=100 ms UDP RTT=100 ms 100 Mb/s decreases down to 40 Mb/s with TCP No reduction with UDP FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June
19/18 19 GPON 100 Mb/s Multisection (RTT=100 ms) FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June
20/18 Further investigations SLA (layer 4 vs layer2) could be achieved with Multissession TCP tests (M>10) (IET Communication….); It is under study for Misurainternet. Analysis of the only normative for QoS (ETSI): TCP test in 10 ms We demonstrate that it is wrong at 100 Mb/s
21/18 Conclusions Unique Optical infrastructure for Unicast, Multicast, Broadcast Broadcast at physical layer: new “Optical Ether” To avoid congestion use Multicast Introduction of Measurement plane (MPLANE) Role of certification of SLA Logical and physical paths offered by optical communications FIAT LUX Conference Rome, June