June Amsterdam A Workflow Bus for e-Science Applications Dr Zhiming Zhao Faculty of Science, University of Amsterdam VL-e SP 2.5
Outline Introduction A workflow bus and generic e-Science framework Prototype and experiment results Discussion Conclusions Future work
Scientific workflow in e-Science … Grid infrastructure, E-Science and Scientific workflow Step1: designing an experiment Step2: performing the experiment Step3: analyzing the experiment results Discovery Grid
Scientific Workflows in e-Science Experiment processes Abstract workflows Executable (concrete workflows) workflows for administration, e.g., AAA,and other issues. A SWMS is able to: Automate experiment routines Rapid prototype experimental computing systems Hide integration details between resources Manage experiment lifecycle
Insight a Scientific Workflow Management System In our view, a SWMS at least implements: A model for describing workflows; An engine for executing/managi ng workflows; Different levels of support for a user to compose, execute and control a workflow. Workflow (based on certain model) Engine User support resources Composition Engine level control Resource level control A SWMS
Diversity in SWMS Taverna: -Web services based language: Scufl; -FreeFluo: engine -Graphical viz of workflow Kepler: -Actor,director -MoML -Execution models Triana: -Components -Task graph -Data/control flow DAGMan: -Computing tasks -DAG Pegasus: -Based on DAGMan -VDL -DAG …
Research context Virtual Lab Grid Layer Application Layer Different levels of abstraction Workflow services: Short term Long term: a generic and effective workflow management service
Mission Effectively reuse existing workflow managements systems, and provide a generic e-Science framework for different application domains. A generic framework can Improve the reuse of workflow components and the workflows for different experiments Reduce the learning cost for different systems Allow application users to work on a consistent environment when underlying infrastructure changed
Abstract approach Extend approach Aggregate approach Possible options SWMS 1 SWMS 2 SWMS 3 SWMS G SWMS 1 SWMS 2 SWMS 3 SWMS G SWMS 1 SWMS 2 SWMS 3 SWMS 1 SWMS 2 SWMS 3 SWMS G
Why we choose an aggregation approach? Abstract approach Build a perfect system Difficult to find a set of systems cover all the required generic functionality; it requires re-implementation of existing things Extend approach Incrementally development The solution depends on a specific system Aggregate approach Maximize the reuse of the existing workflow systems Has to handle interoperability issues; provide customized interface existing workflow system
A workflow bus paradigm Workflow bus TavernaKepler Triana Sub workflow 1 Sub workflow 2 Sub workflow 3 Workflow A workflow bus is a special workflow system for executing meta workflows, in which sub workflows will be executed by different engines.
Architecture Terminology: The execution of a workflow is one study, and the execution of a sub-workflow is called a sub-study, or a scenario Basic idea Study manager schedules sub workflows Scenario managers interface third party workflow engines and reacts to the Study manager A user interface for composition and execution control. Network Scenario Mnger Study Mnger Taverna Engine Triana Engine User interface
Requirements A distributed framework for study and scenario managers Data input/output of a sub-workflow, description of the workflow can be described and recognized by study and scenario managers Handle the user interactions which are needed in scenarios The engine can be decoupled from a SWMS Be fault tolerant
Considerations From integration point view: study and scenario managers can be coupled by: Web services Object oriented middleware (CORBA, HLA, etc.) Agent based middleware Or an existing workflow system (Kepler, Taverna, Triana or others) The description of meta workflow The execution model of the meta workflow
A JADE/Ptolemy based prototype Director Actor JADE agent framework Scenario Mnger Study Mnger Taverna Engine Triana Engine Ptolemy User interface
How it works In user front end: a user defines meta workflow, each actor represents a sub workflow At runtime, each actor initiates a scenario agent, and passes the workflow description to the scenario manager A scenario manager controls an engine and execute the sub-workflow
Experiment results Message delay
Cont. Overhead 10~20% performance improvement.
Discussion Challenges in supporting scientific workflows Requirements on domain specific experiments Generic workflow support and domain specific applications Existing workflow management systems are diverse in functionality, design and user support Related work Interoperability among workflow systems (sister Link project) Resource level: e.g., Kepler invokes Taverna’s resources
Applications of workflow bus Use case 1: A user has workflow in Taverna Some functionality is missing in Taverna but can be provided by Triana He can develop the workflow in two systems, and run it via the workflow bus Use case 2: A user wants to execute a Taverna or Triana workflow in multiple instances with different input data
Conclusions A workflow bus is a feasible approach to realize generic e-Science framework Multi agent technology provides a distributed environment for decomposing and encapsulating control intelligence Ptolemy II provides different computing paradigms which give user freedom to execute workflows
Future work Working on developing a scenario manager for Kepler engine. Synchronized data flow is currently used; more computing modes will be evaluated. Data provenance for workflow bus.
Referneces Z. Zhao; A. Belloum; H. Yakali; P.M.A. Sloot and L.O. Hertzberger: Dynamic Workflow in a Grid Enabled Problem Solving Environment, in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (CIT2005), pp IEEE Computer Society Press, Shanghai, China, September Z. Zhao; A. Belloum; A. Wibisono; F. Terpstra; P.T. de Boer; P.M.A. Sloot and L.O. Hertzberger: Scientific workflow management: between generality and applicability, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer based Workflows in conjunction with the 5th International Conference on Quality Software, pp IEEE Computer Society Press, Melbourne, Australia, September 19th-21st Z. Zhao; A. Belloum; P.M.A. Sloot and L.O. Hertzberger: Agent Technology and Generic Workflow Management in an e-Science Environment, in Hai Zhuge and G.C. Fox, editors, Grid and Cooperative Computing - GCC 2005: 4th International Conference, Beijing, China, in series Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3795, pp Springer, November ISBN (DOI: / _61) Z. Zhao; A. Belloum; P.M.A. Sloot and L.O. Hertzberger: Agent technology and scientific workflow management in an e-Science environment, in Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence (ICTAI05), pp IEEE Computer Society Press, Hongkong, China, November 14th-16th Acknowledgement Suresh Booms All the members in VL-e SP2.5