1 Data Management Lessons Learnt & The Way Forward Ugur Algan Ilex Technologies Ltd. PESGB-GIG Data Management 2000
2 Data Management in the 6th Century "... Let your Eminence give orders throughout each and every province that a building be erected in which to store the records...so that they may remain uncorrupted and may be found quickly by those requiring them..." Roman Emperor Justinian, A.D Faithful Preservation Easy Access
3 Global competition increasing Target fields more complex and small Maturing portfolios Volatile oil prices –Cost awareness –Go/no go development decisions based on efficiency of operation –Time scales important for ROI Operating Environment
4 Industry Concerns and Possible Help Reduction of risk Reduction of uncertainty Reduction of cycle times Reduction of costs A continuum of exploration and production Management of diverse portfolios Multilateral-extended reach wells MWD 3D-4D-4C seismic Flexible production systems Geo-steering Reservoir Simulation More and better data
5 What Is Needed? Parallelism-concurrent engineering Easy access to quality information –Integration of desktop to company IT/data infrastructure –Data search, capture and aggregation tools Planning, resource allocation and management –Enterprise resource planning Workflow support, Group communication tools Decision support systems Collaborative systems Knowledge Management...Prerequisite to all of the above is an optimal IT and data management environment...
6 The Target of Data Management To provide seamless access to any and all data –Positioning –Seismic –Petrophysics-logs –Core –Well tests –Geological maps –Reports –Lab. Tests-fluid data –Production –Completion/drilling data Multiple scenarios-What if? Sensitivity analysis Option analysis:Black-Scholes ROT Reservoir characterization Uncertainty analysis Risk assessment and mitigation Version management History matching Simulation –Deterministic –Statistical Production monitoring
7 So, what is the Problem ? The petroleum industry will gather more data in the next 5 years than it has acquired in the previous 50 years. 1,000 TB per annum ? Need to deal with quantities as well as diversity of data Lots of data in physical stores/non-digital media Lots of data not properly catalogued far fewer personnel assigned to data management tasks
8 Integration/SEM Local Subsidiary Data Store(s) Personal Data Store(s) Asset Team Data Store(s) Corporate Data Store(s) External Data Store(s) Levels of Data Management Physical Stores Digital Stores Structured Databases Documents Web/Intranet Internet Application Data Stores
9 Progress in the 90’s Corporate and National Data Repositories Integrated Application Suites Vendor Neutral Integration Platforms Standards IT Technology progress The WEB !!
10 Progress in the 90’s: Repositories Primary Focus is raw data (seismic, logs, documents) –physical data preservation –Improved Access and delivery –Reduced Costs Examples: CDA, DISKOS Limited integration to applications environment, industry standard exchange formats
11 Integrated Application Suites Provided by main application vendors –Landmark-Openworks –Geoquest-Geoframe API available for third party integration Data Model Scope limited Selecting “best of breed” applications is difficult
12 Integration Platforms Vendor Neutral Software Integration Platforms OpenSpirit: provides a framework for application development –access to OpenWorks and Geoframe Shared Earth Model: Specification for interoperable earth modelling products take-up is the primary issue...
13 Standards Data Models –POSC –PPDM –Vendor Data Models Data Exchange Standards –SEG,API, POSC Base Computing Standards
14 IT Technology Progress Fast Processors High Capacity Storage High Bandwidth Communications Database Technology GIS Technology The PC Revolution The Web changes everything: no zero impact environments...
15 Where did we Fall Short ? Take up of standards has been slow “Big bang” data management projects have proven difficult to cost justify Data quality has suffered- –wide spread distribution has made the provenance difficult to establish Internet/Intranet technology not fully embraced Managing data independent of applications still a challenge
16 Looking Ahead Learn to live with multiple data sources –discovery tools-metasearch engines –aggregation tools –quality of indexing (metadata) is crucial ! –Exchange formats (XML revolution ?) Embrace web based technologies –Knowledge Management –Collaborative workflow management tools
17 Looking Ahead Multidisciplinary data will mean the fusion of technical as well as operational/financial data –ERP systems –Decision Support Systems –Risk Management Systems –Portfolio Management Systems Technical data management will not be an Island...
18 Data Management in the 21st Century "... Let your Eminence give orders throughout each and every province that a building be erected in which to store the records...so that they may remain uncorrupted and may be found quickly by those requiring them..." Roman Emperor Justinian, A.D Faithful Preservation Easy Access Multiple sources Multiple Versions Fast dissemination Non-standard metadata lots of data 6th Century Objectives21st Century Problems