Cross-Cutting Programs at NSF Arkansas EPSCoR Annual Meeting Springdale, AR August 13, 2012
Basic NSF Organization National Science Board Director & Deputy Director Computer & Information Sci & Eng Engineering Geo- Sciences Mathematical & Physical Sciences Education & Human Resources Office of International Sci & Eng ( OISE ) Office of Information & Resource Management Biological Sciences Office of Cyber- infrastructure ( OCI ) Office of Polar Programs ( OPP ) Office of Budget, Finance & Award Management Office of Integrative Activities ( OIA ) Social, Behavioral & Economic Sciences EPSCoR (BIO) (CISE) (ENG) (GEO) (MPS) (SBE) (EHR) Directorates Divisions Programs Offices 2
Interdisciplinary Research Portal Interdisciplinary Research Go to the NSF home page point to “FUNDING” at the top, select “Interdisciplinary Research” from the list that appears 3
Find Funding for Crosscutting Programs 4
Funding Opportunities – Cyberinfrastructure Framework for the 21 st Century (CIF21 ) – Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) – Innovation Corps Program (I-Corps) – Integrative Graduate Education & Research Traineeship Program (IGERT) – IGERT-CIF21 Track (IGERT- CIF21) – Integrated NSF Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Education (INSPIRE) – Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) – Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES ) – Other funding opportunities of interest o Disciplinary core programs o Some related interdisciplinary solicitations 5
CIF21: Cyberinfrastructure Framework for the 21 st Century Contact Information: Link from FY 2012 budget: $78 million FY 2013 request: $106 million 6
6 ACCI* Task Forces Campus Bridging Computing Grand Challenge Communities/VO Education & Workforce Software Data & Visualization Advise NSF – to inform CIF21 programs & NSF CI Vision Engage broader academic community through workshops *ACCI = Advisory Committee for Cyberinfrastructure 7
Grand Challenge Communities Scientific Instruments Data Campus Bridging, Cybersecurity Software Advanced Computational Infrastructure Learning & Workforce Development Discovery Innovation Cyberinfrastructure Framework for the 21st Century Credit: Thinkstock Credit: Amit Chourasia UCSD Credit: Blake Harvey NCSA
Grant Opportunities for Academic Liaison with Industry (GOALI) Current solicitation: NSF Contact disciplinary program office for deadlines and contact information 9 Supplement and Full Proposal accepted anytime
– To fund research that lies beyond that which industry would normally fund by themselves Targets high-risk/high-gain research with a focus on fundamental research, new approaches to solving generic problems, innovative collaborative industry- university educational programs, and direct transfer of new knowledge between academe and industry – To promote university-industry partnerships by making project funds or fellowships/traineeships available Program Goals: GOALI 10
GOALI 11 Estimated Number of Awards: 60 to 80. Anticipated Funding Amount: $5 million from all participating directorates. Eligibility Information: – For fellowships/traineeships, only U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents are eligible to apply for support under this program. – NSF funds cannot go to an industry partner; they can only be used by the academic institution. The industry partner is expected to participate in the research effort to facilitate in the commercialization of the research. Submission: –To disciplinary program (not GOALI), at its deadline
Contact: – Errol Arkilic: (703) ; – Rathindra DasGupta: (703) – Richard Voyles: (703) ; Annual Submission Windows: – July 1, 2012 – Sep 15, 2012 – Oct 1, 2012 – Dec 15, 2012 – Jan 1, 2013 – Mar 15, 2013 – Apr 1, 2013 – June 15, 2013 Current solicitation : NSF NSF Innovation Corps (I-Corps) A new activity, announced July 28, 2011.
I-Corps Establishes a public-private partnership to support the translation of NSF research into the development of technologies, products, and processes Aims to help create a national network of scientists, engineers, innovators, business leaders and entrepreneurs building on existing NSF grantee events 13 Projects are Team-based – Entrepreneurial Lead: Post-doc or Student to move it forward – I-Corps Mentor: Domain-relevant volunteer guide – PI: Researcher with current or previous award Anticipated Program Outcomes – Functioning network of Mentors/Advisors – Scientist and Engineers trained as Entrepreneurs – Increased impact of NSF-funded basic research
Eligibility Information: – PI(s) must contact one of the cognizant I-Corps program officers and receive prior written authorization to submit a proposal. – Proposers must have an active NSF award or one that has been active within the previous five years from the date of submission of the I-Corps proposal in a science or engineering field relevant to the proposed innovation. – A PI is limited to one I-Corps proposal during each submission window. – Proposals may only be submitted by: Universities and two- and four-year colleges (including community colleges) accredited in, and having a campus located in the U.S., acting on behalf of their faculty members. Other Federal Agencies and Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (FFRDCs): Contact the appropriate program before preparing a proposal for submission. I-Corps
Estimated Number of Awards: 100 in FY 2012 Anticipated Funding Amount in FY 2012: $5M I-Corps Informational Webinars held on the first Tuesday of every month
Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) Coordinating Committee members are listed at: ert/cc.jsp Current Solicitation: NSF Deadlines: – Letter of Intent Deadline: 5/1/2012 (past) – For full proposal : July 2,
– To prepare U.S. Ph.D. scientists and engineers for careers in research and education with interdisciplinary backgrounds, deep knowledge in chosen disciplines, and the technical, professional, and personal skills to become leaders and creative agents for change. Program Goals: IGERT 17 – To catalyze a cultural change in graduate education for students, faculty, and institutions by establishing innovative models for graduate education and training in a fertile environment for collaborative research that transcends traditional disciplinary boundaries. – To contribute to a world-class, broadly inclusive, and globally engaged science and engineering workforce. New emphasis: – “innovation to learn through hands-on experience how the students’ own research may contribute in new ways to benefit society”
IGERT Estimated Number of Awards: 18 Anticipated Funding Total Amount: $13.5 M (up to $3.3 M per award over 5 years) 18
IGERT – There is a limit of one (1) proposal that may be submitted by an institution either as a single institution or as a lead institution in a multi-institution preliminary proposal. – The PI must be on the faculty of the submitting institution. Eligibility Information: 19 – Any given individual may participate as PI or co-PI in only one proposal submission. A PI or co-PI on one proposal may serve as a faculty participant on other proposals. Important Resource: – Award abstracts for all funded IGERTs showing the types of applications that have been competitive in the past.
IGERT-CIF21 Track Address training and education needs in computational and data-enabled science and engineering (CDS&E) and in cyberinfrastructure research Current Solicitation: NSF (amending IGERT NSF ) Deadlines: – Letter of Intent Deadline: 6/4/2012 (past) – For full proposal : Aug 6,
Integrated NSF Support Promoting Interdisciplinary Research and Education (INSPIRE) Goals: Demonstrate that NSF is open to unusually novel cross-disciplinary ideas: Welcome groundbreaking or unconventional ideas and approaches, and unusually novel, creative interdisciplinary proposals Encourage Program Directors to promote such ideas: Empower PDs with flexibility and new resources and mechanisms to enable cross- cutting collaboration and risk-taking in developing their awards portfolio FY 2012 budget: $20 million FY 2013 request: $63 million First pilot INSPIRE activity for : Creative Research Awards for Transformative Interdisciplinary Ventures (CREATIV) Second pilot under development for 2013: Larger projects
INSPIRE / CREATIV Dear Colleague Letter NSF , In a nutshell: – Only internal merit review is required – Proposals must be interdisciplinary and potentially transformative – Maximum award size/duration: $1,000,000, 5 years To begin process, PI submits inquiry form Expect 40 INSPIRE awards, $30 million
CREATIV Goals of this pilot funding mechanism: Attract unusually creative high-risk / high-reward interdisciplinary proposals, including ones that PIs may have been reluctant to submit to a standard review process Provide substantial funding, not limited to the exploratory stage Be open to all NSF-supported areas of science, engineering, and education research – no favored topics CREATIV is not for proposals that are more appropriate for existing mechanisms: – Primarily advance a single discipline, or – Can be expected to receive an appropriate evaluation through external review in regular programs, or – Continue a well-established line of research, leading to the next expected step Through inquiry process, PI must have at least 2 program directors’ authorizations in advance in order to submit a proposal
Major Research Instrumentation (MRI) Deadline: 4 th Thursday in January (1/24/2013) Current Solicitation : NSF Contact Information: – (703) – Number of Awards in FY 2011: 175 FY 11 Funding Amount: $90 million 24
Program Goals: – To support the acquisition of major state-of-the-art instrumentation, thereby improving access to, and increased use of, modern instrumentation shared by the Nation’s scientists, engineers, and graduate and undergraduate students; OR – To foster the development of the next generation of major instrumentation, resulting in new instruments that are more widely used, and/or open up new areas of research and research training; AND – To enable academic departments, disciplinary and cross-disciplinary units, and multi-organization collaborations to create well-equipped research environments that integrate research with education. MRI
– Submission limit - Three (3) per organization: If three proposals are submitted, at least one of the proposals must be for instrument development. – Request size from NSF - $100,000-$4 million from all eligible organizations; < $100,000 exception for certain disciplines and from non-Ph.D.-granting institutions. – Merit Review - At the time of submission, PI’s are asked to identify an NSF division(s) to review proposal. NSF reserves the right to place proposals in the appropriate division(s) for review. MRI
Colleges, universities, and institutions of higher education Independent research museums and science centers Independent nonprofit research organizations Consortia of eligible organizations Small businesses – May act as private sector partners with submitting organizations – May not submit proposals as a lead organization Eligibility Information: U.S. organizations may submit proposals provided that they are located in the U.S., its territories, and possessions. Specifically: MRI
Cost Sharing: –The America COMPETES Act of 2007 directed NSF to require cost-sharing in the MRI Program (this requirement remains in effect) –Ph.D. granting and non-degree granting institutions: 30% cost-sharing required on all proposals –Non-Ph.D. granting institutions: no cost-sharing required More detailed format and supplemental documentation requirements MRI
Contact Information: – (703) – – s_contacts.jsp s_contacts.jsp 5-year investment area: new and existing activities Began in FY 2010 Science, Engineering, and Education for Sustainability (SEES)
- To contribute to sustainable energy research in science and engineering, and its socioeconomic and environmental implications. - To support research that facilitates global community sustainability, specifically through building connections between current projects, creating new nodes of activity, and developing personnel needed to solve sustainability issues. - To address challenges in climate and energy research and education using a systems-based approach to understanding, predicting, and reacting to change in the linked natural, social, and built environment. Program Goals: SEES
climate change: interactions between the climate, human and natural systems; feedbacks in the climate and carbon cycles; impacts of ice-sheet dynamics on climate and sea level rise; regional climate variation and causes; risk-based approaches to decision-making; adaptive and mitigating strategies; effects of behavioral changes on energy consumption and climate. Water Sustainability and Climate (WSC) (NSF ) Ocean Acidification (OA) (NSF ) Climate Change Education Partnership (CCEP) (NSF ) Decadal and Regional Climate Prediction Using Earth System Models (EaSM) (NSF ) Dimensions of Biodiversity (NSF ) FY10: (Dear Colleague Letter - NSF ) FY11: (Dear Colleague Letter - NSF ) sustainable energy: novel energy storage ;ecosystem impacts of energy technologies; improving the efficiency and yield of energy systems; novel energy sources, e.g. biofuels, ocean/kinetic power; energy-intelligent performance in computer and network systems; energy efficiency in manufacturing and materials. SEES
32 SEES – Recent funding opportunities Arctic SEES Arctic SEES (NSF , full proposal deadline 9/14/12) Dynamics of Coupled Natural and Human SystemsDynamics of Coupled Natural and Human Systems (NSF , deadline 11/20/12) Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability Fellows (SEES Fellows) (NSF , deadline 12/3/2012) Research Coordination Networks (RCN)Research Coordination Networks (RCN) (NSF , SEES track deadline 2/4/2013) Dear Colleague Letter: Sustainable Chemistry, Engineering, and Materials (SusChEM)Dear Colleague Letter: Sustainable Chemistry, Engineering, and Materials (SusChEM) (NSF , invites submissions to appropriate core programs in FY 2013) Climate Change Education PartnershipsClimate Change Education Partnerships (NSF ) Decadal & Regional Climate Prediction Using Earth System Models (EaSM)Decadal & Regional Climate Prediction Using Earth System Models (EaSM) (NSF ) Dimensions of BiodiversityDimensions of Biodiversity (NSF ) Ocean AcidificationOcean Acidification (NSF ) Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE)Partnerships for International Research and Education (PIRE) (NSF & ) Sustainability Research NetworksSustainability Research Networks (NSF ) Sustainable Energy PathwaysSustainable Energy Pathways (NSF ) Water, Sustainability and ClimateWater, Sustainability and Climate (NSF )
33 Other funding opportunities of interest Division of Integrative Organismal Systems (BIO/IOS) Core Programs – NSF , preproposal deadline 1/12/13, full proposal deadline 8/2/13 Organism-Environment Interactions (in Physiological and Structural Systems cluster) Plant, Fungal and Microbial Developmental Systems (in Developmental Systems cluster) Plant Genome Research Program (PGRP) – NSF , deadline 3/5/12 (past) Division of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences (BIO/MCB) Core Programs – NSF , full proposal deadline 1/28/13 Biomolecular Dynamics, Structure, and Function cluster Networks and Regulation cluster Division of Biological Infrastructure (BIO/DBI) Advances in Biological Informatics (ABI), NSF , full proposal deadline 9/10/12 Division of Chemical, Bioengineering, Environmental, and Transport Systems (ENG/CBET) Biotechnology, Biochemical, and Biomass Engineering (BBBE), full proposal deadline 9/18/12 Energy for Sustainability, full proposal deadline 2/19/13 Environmental Engineering, full proposal deadline 2/19/13 Environmental Sustainability, full proposal deadline 2/19/13 Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ENG/ECCS) Energy, Power, and Adaptive Systems (EPAS), full proposal deadline 11/1/12 Electronics, Photonics, and Magnetic Devices (EPMD), full proposal deadline 11/1/12
34 Other funding opportunities of interest Division of Chemistry (MPS/CHE) Chemistry of Life Processes (CLP), full proposal deadline 10/31/12 Macromolecular, Supramolecular and Nanochemistry (MSN), full proposal deadline 10/31/12 Division of Materials Research (MPS/DMR) Electronic and Photonic Materials (EPM), full proposal deadline 10/31/12 BIO/IOS and BIO/MCB, joint program with Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Metabolomics for a Low Carbon Society (METABOLOMICS), NSF Full proposal deadline 5/13/11 (past), current but no longer receiving proposals ENG/CBET, ENG/ECCS, ENG/CMMI, ENG/IIP, and MPS/DMR Scalable Nanomanufacturing (SNM), NSF Full proposal deadline 6/4/12 (past), current but no longer receiving proposals In Science, Engineering and Education for Sustainability (SEES) NSF-Wide Investment Research Coordination Networks (RCN) SEES track, NSF Full proposal deadline 2/4/13 Sustainability Research Networks Competition (SRN), NSF Preproposal deadline 12/1/11 (past), full proposal deadline 4/1/12 (past)
For More Information 35 CIF21: GOALI: I-Corps: IGERT: IGERT/CIF21: INSPIRE/CREATIV: MRI: SEES: Disciplinary Core Programs: links from divisional web pages
NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) (updated Jan 2011) Part I: Grant Proposal Guide - Proposal Submission Information Part II: Award & Administration Guide - Award management information 36
Thank You 37