Table of Contents Unit 1- Understand the Problem Unit 2- Gather Information Unit 3- Develop Solutions Unit 4- Implement A Solution Unit 5- Test and Evaluate Unit 6- Redesign and Communicate
In this activity, you will: -Develop several solutions for the Structure Design for Earthquake project and then select the best solution -Create a design sketch for the solution. - Check that the design sketch meets the Structure Design specifications.
Engineers need to be able to share information about their designs. One way they share information is with pictures. The pictures created by an engineer need to be detailed and accurate to communicate with others. They are technical drawings. For example, an engineer wants to design a building. So the engineer creates a technical drawing. Then the design can be shared with others.
Each elevation drawing shows one side of a building as if you were looking at it straight on. Several drawings together can show the front, back, and sides of a building in an accurate way. They show the building with exact dimensions and measurements.
One way to come up with a lot of ideas for a design is to brainstorm. Brainstorming is a process in which people come up with ideas in groups or alone. The ideas are noted without comments or opinions. The more ideas that are produced, the better the chance for a good design. One way to brainstorm ideas for design is to make thumbnail sketches. Thumbnail sketches are small, quick drawings to get some ideas on paper. These sketches have a smaller scale, or size, than full-size design.
Technical drawings are pictures created by an engineer that are clear and crisp. Each elevation drawing shows one side of abuilding as if you were looking at it straight on. Several elevation drawings together can show the front, back, and sides of a building in an accurate way. Brainstorming is a process in which people come up with ideas. Thumbnail sketches are small, quick drawings to get some ideas on paper.
DO: Get the develop solutions form. DO: Review the information you gathered for ideas about developing your structure. NOTE: One way to develop solutions is to consider how the front, sides, and back of the building will look. In this project, all sides of the building will be the same. DO: In each block on the form, sketch a different design for the framework. NOTE: These sketches do not need to be perfect. They are only a tool to get your ideas on paper.
DO: Review each thumbnail sketch on the develop solutions form. For each sketch, consider the positive and negative aspects. DO: Select the courthouse design that best meets the project goals -A good design offers enough support for the typical dead and live loads. -A good design offers enough support for the extreme loads during an earthquake. -A good design uses a minimal amount of material and does not waste material. It is efficient. -A good design can be constructed within several class periods. DO: Circle the selected thumbnail sketch. DO: Next, choose a name for your courthouse design that is unique and memorable. Write the courthouse name on the form after Project Name.
Measurement is using numbers to describe something. People measure things to learn more about them. And they measure to compare one thing to another. One type of measurement is length. Length is the distance between two points. For example, people measure the length of a block of wood or the length of a race track or even the height of a building.
Measuring sticks, such as rulers, meter or yard sticks, or tape measures, are used to measure length. A measuring stick is marked off in units of measure. A ruler is helpful when measuring small lengths. And a tape measure is a good tool to use when measuring long lengths. Place the beginning of the measuring stick on the first point. Make sure to line the first point up with the zero and not the end of the measuring stick. Line up the stick with the second point. And then read the units of measure at the second point.
There are basically two standard systems to communicate measurement- the English system and the metric system. The English system is used mainly in the United States. This system uses the inch, foot, yard, and mile to measure distance. -1 inch -1 foot = 12 inches -1 yard = 3 feet -1 mile = 1,760 yards The metric system is used by most of the world. This system uses the millimeter, centimeter, meter, and kilometer to measure distance. In the metric system, everything is based on the number millimeter -1 centimeter = 10 millimeters -1 meter = 100 centimeters -1 kilometer = 1000 meters
Measurement is using numbers to describe something. People measure things to learn more about them. And they measure to compare one thing to another. Length is the distance between two points.
DO: Get the design sketch form. (3-3) DO: Write your name, period, and the date on the form. DO: Write the project name on the form. DO: Look at your selected thumbnail on the develop solutions form. Use light pencil marks to draw the elevation on the design sketch form. Remember: All four sides of your structure will be the same. NOTE: You will use the design sketch to create your prototype. Make sure your lines are straight and exact. DO: Trace the light pencil marks with a darker pencil line.
DO: Get the structure specifications. DO: With your group, check the specifications for each selected design sketch drawing. Complete the first check section of the specifications. DO: If the design does not meet the specifications, adjust the design and check the specifications again.
Congratulations! You have completed Unit Three – Develop Solutions. You will now move onto Unit 4. The power point is titled “EQT- Unit 4”.