1 Workflow/Business Process Management Introduction business process management and workflow management Eindhoven University of Technology Faculty of Technology Management Department of Information Systems P.O. Box MB Eindhoven The Netherlands Wil van der Aalst
2 Focus on "classical" workflow management systems, but... Four types of "workflow-like" systems: 1.Information systems with hard-coded workflows (process& organization specific). 2.Custom-made information systems with generic workflow support (organization specific). 3.Generic software with embedded workflow functionality (e.g., the workflow components of ERP, CRM, PDM, etc. systems). 4.Generic software focusing on workflow functionality (e.g., Staffware, MQSeries Workflow, FLOWer, COSA, Oracle BPEL, Filenet, etc.).
3 WFM architecture - reference model and example -
4 Reference model of the Workflow Management Coalition What? When? Who?
9 Workflow perspectives - processes dominate! -
10 Workflow perspectives Process perspective (tasks and the routing of cases) Resource perspective (workers, roles, 4-eyes principle, etc.) Case/data perspective (process instances and their attributes) Operation/application perspective (forms, application integration, etc.)...
11 Process perspective: Protos (extended Petri nets)
12 Process perspective: Staffware
13 Process perspective: COSA (Petri nets)
14 Process perspective: Baan DEM
15 Process perspective: Event driven process chains (ARIS/SAP)
16 (Oracle) BPEL
17 Petri nets as a basis The process perspective is the most dominant one. There are many modeling techniques and tools –BPEL, BPMN, DFD, ISAC, SADT, PN, HLPN, PA, FC, UML,... –Simulation tools, design tools, CASE tools, WFMS,... Focus on the essential concepts rather than (system-)specific languages.
18 Example of a process model: A Petri net modeling order processing
19 Play the token game …
20 Test Exercise: Dining philosophers 5 philosophers sharing 5 chopsticks: chopsticks are located in-between philosophers A philosopher is either in state eating or thinking and needs two chopsticks to eat. Model as a Petri net.
تقدم طراحي فرآيند بر سيستم اطلاعاتي we first design business processes in a more abstract way, without considering implementation, then we design the information systems and the organization hand in hand In fact, we decide whether each task in a process should be performed by an information system or a person.
اهميت تعريف صحيح فرآيند جهت بازمهندسي آن Definition is important when preparing a (re)design, before deciding whether to actually implement a new process it is very important to first establish whether it will work properly. formal methods can be used to identify processes' properties, or lack of them. Another analysis method uses simulation techniques, Sometimes supported by computer animation. Supporting software tools are essential to this.
دلايل استفاده از روش پتري نت در مدلسازي جريان کاري This book presents a reference framework for defining processes and discusses analytical methods. In doing so, extensive use is made of Petri nets, Petri nets are ideally suited for defining and analyzing complex processes. Another useful property is that they make the definitions easy to understand for non-experts. This eases communication between designers and users. There also exist software tools which support the definition and analysis of processes.
مشخصات کلی سيستم های مديريت جريان کار during recent years a new class of generic software has been evolving: workflow management systems. workflow management systems ensure that the right information reaches the right person at the right time, or is submitted to the right computer application at the right moment. does not, therefore, actually perform any of the tasks in a process. it is generic software and so can be used in many situations—and its weakness: usually actual application software is also needed.
فرآيند کلی ( باز ) مهندسی جريان های کاری Business Process (Re) Engineering: Organizing Workflows Basic Workflow Definitions & Concepts WFMS Architecture Modeling Workflows Making a real picture of the workflow Management of Workflows Decide or document various managerial aspects of workflows Analyzing Workflows Calculate the workflow performance and states If OK! Then stop! Redesigning Workflows Change the workflow and go to the Modeling step.