How to read and present a scientific paper
Scientific Papers Scientists share their results in papers How do you read one? 1.Skim 2.Vocabulary 3.Comprehension (look at figures!) 4.Reflection and criticism
Parts of a Scientific Paper Abstract 4 parts: 1.Introduction 2.Methods 3.Results 4.Discussion
How do you present a paper? 1. Introduction –Background (~2 slides) –Hypothesis (1 slide) 2. Methods (1-2 slides) 3. Results –1-2 figures / slide –Summary (1 slide) 4. Discussion (2 slide) - include future directions
Influence of Life Stress on Depression: Moderation by a Polymorphism in the 5-HTT Gene Caspi et al. (2003) Science, Jul 18;301(5631): Example paper presentation
Genes, Environment and Depression Depression is prevalent Stressful events (the environment) may or may not lead to depression The 5-HTT gene may underlie these behaviorally different reactions
Hypothesis Different genotypes of the 5-HTT gene mediate depression reactions to stressful experiences.
Methods 1037 individuals (follow from age 3 to 26) 3 groups based on genotype of 5-HTT –1. s/s –2. s/l –3. l/l Test reactions to stressful events at age
Results S genotype increases % of major depression episodes 5-HTT genotype affects amount of major depression episodes P = 0.05 (Fig 2)
Summary S genotype of 5-HTT increases the effect of stressful life events on depression including – major depression episodes – predicted suicides
Discussion Gene (ie. 5-HTT) interacts with the environment (ie. stressful life event) to affect behavior (depression) Questions: –What is the mechanism for 5-HTT affecting depressive behavior? –Is there an evolutionary advantage to having the s allele?
Discussion Genes can affect the reaction to environmental risks factors Possible future direction: test different 5- HTT genotype on aggressive behavior