Business in the Bergen Region
The Bergen Region
A Dynamic Growth Region The Bergen region has the strong knowledge clusters essential for creating a dynamic growth region. Priority sectors: ENERGY SECTOR: Oil, gas and renewable energy MARITIME SECTOR: Ship owners, shipyards, service companies and suppliers MARINE SECTOR: Fisheries, aquaculture and other marine products ADVENTURE, CULTURE AND TRAVEL MEDIA AND CULTURE BASED BUSINESSES: Media, design, film and music The region also has significant ICT and financial sectors
students scientists University of Bergen Norwegian School of Economics Bergen University College Bergen Academy of Art and Design Norwegian School of Management, Stord/Haugesund University College Bergen School of Architecture Royal Norwegian Naval Academy Science UiB: Four Norwegian Centers of Excellence UiB: Marine research and Global research Christian Michelsen Research. Research center Uni Research: Research company, 500 scientists Institute of Marine Research 95 per cent claim that the Bergen Region has good Research Environment
A Strong Oil and Gas Region Key figures 2010: 22,6 BEUR turnover 4,3 BEUR value creation employees companies Value creation: The sum of operational result plus wages
The Energy Sector Norway’s leading region for operations, production and maintenance. Uptime Centre of Competence 60 percent of Statoil’s operatorships on the Norwegian continental shelf are run from Bergen. Central region for technological research and development – strong R&D environments with several centers of expertise. CIPR - Centre for Integrated Petroleum Research. The Norwegian Centre of Excellece in Petroleum Technology. Centre Mongstad is the world’s largest facility for testing and improving CO 2 capture technologies, a vital part of the CCS value chain. World leading subsea knowledge – Norwegian Centre of Expertise Subsea. Hordaland county is the largest hydro power producer Offshore windmills, fixed and floating, through two cluster initiatives: Arena NOW and NORCOWE
18 per cent of the Norwegian Maritime Turnover is in the Bergen Region Key figures 2010: 10 BEUR turnover 2,2 BEUR value creation employees companies
Bergen: The Global Sefood capital Key figurs 2010: 4,4 BEUR turnover 0,7 BEUR value creation employees 855 companies
Innovation and Research in Bergen Bergen is the proud capital of a world leading environment of marine expertise. Among our research institutions you find: –The Institute of Marine Research (IMR) –National Institute of Nutrition and Seafood Research (NIFES) –University of Bergen (UiB) –Christian Michelsen Research (CMR) –NOFIMA –UNI Research
Media City Bergen New innovative Media Cluster Media, design, film and music are growing businesses Key figures 2010: 1,2 BEUR turnover 0,4 BEUR value creation employees companies
Adventure, Culture and Travel The most exciting place for culture- and nature-based adventures in the Nordic region Key figures 2010: 1,5 BEUR turnover 0,5 BEUR value creation employees companies
Bergen has the second largest financial sector in the country Solid ICT environment Key figures 2011: FINANCE: 92 BEUR total assets employees 113 companies ICT: 5000 employees 1,1 BEUR turnover companies
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