Who is came up with the Heliocentric Theory? Who proved the Heliocentric theory to be true but later recanted his statement? Bell Ringer
Scientific Method and Scientific Thinkers Reading: Age of Enlightenment The eight Enlightened thinkers Class Activity Agenda
Logical procedure for gathering and testing ideas. Begins with a problem or question arising from an observation. Next a hypothesis is formed. Next hypothesis is tested. Analyze and interpret the data – confirms or disproves theory. Scientific Method:
How do we use the scientific method in our everyday life without even realizing it? Scientific Method
English Politician and writer. Attacked medieval scholars for relying on Aristotle and ancient thinkers. Urged scientist to experiment and observe the world around them and then draw conclusions. Idea known as Empiricism or Experimental Method. Francis Bacon
Analytical Geometry – linked algebra and geometry. People needed to reject old ideas Everything should be doubted until proved by reason. “I think therefore I am” General laws can be expressed mathematically. Rene Descartes
What law did he form? Law of Universal Gravitation: - Every object in the universe attracts every other object. Degree of attraction depends on the mass of the objects and the distance between them. 1687 Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy – one of the most important scientific books ever written. Invented Calculus and many of his theories are still used today. Isaac Newton
Zacharias Janssen – (Dutch) First Microscope in Anton Van Leeuwehoek used it to discover bacteria. Evangelista Torricelli- First Mercury barometer in - Tool used for measuring atmospheric pressure and predicting weather. Scientist develop new instruments
First Microscope
First Mercury barometer
Gabriel Fahrenheit- (Dutch) First thermometer using mercury in - showed water freezing at 32 degrees. Anders Celsius –(Swedish) Created another scale, showing freezing at 0 degrees. Scientist develop new instruments
First thermometer using mercury
Anders Celsisus
What is the scientific method? Bell Ringer
Middle ages: Galen dissected pigs and assumed human bodies were much of the same. Andreas Vesalius – dissected human corpses and published his observations. On the Fabric of the Human Body (1543) Detailed drawings of human organs, bones, and muscle. Medicine and Human Body
Andreas Vesalius
William Harvey: English Doctor On the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals – 1628 Showed Heart acted as a pump to circulate blood. Described the function of blood vessels. Medicine and Human Body
Edward Jenner introduced a small pox vaccine in 1700s. Used cow pox to inoculate people which was a milder disease. Medicine and Human Body
Robert Boyle – founder of modern chemistry. The Sceptical Chymist Challenged Aristotle’s idea that the physical world consisted of four elements – earth, air, fire, and water. Boyle’s law – explains how the volume, temperature, and pressure of gas affect each other. Discoveries in Chemistry
Ch. 18 Focus Questions Homework