UTIA Promotion & Tenure Workshop May 19, 2015 UTIA Promotion & Tenure Workshop May 19, 2015 Overall Philosophy: Maximize faculty FTE while maintaining the highest level of support possible to faculty- based programs which is valued by faculty, ultimately ensuring the greatest possible return on investment for the state and federal funds entrusted to our use.
Integrated Teaching, Research & Extension Teaching Research Extension Input from county agents & clientele to determine research direction Research results feed extension programming
Focus on Mission; Relevant & Accountable Enhancing the lives of citizens of Tennessee and the world through research excellence in agriculture and food systems, natural resource management, family and community development
Measures of Research Excellence o Focus on the mission & appointment of your position o It’s not about the money it’s about what the money allows you to do o It’s not about the refereed article for the sake of the refereed article It’s about what the article represents: answers and solutions
o Faculty committee representing every department o Representation: applied & fundamental science; teaching, research, extension faculty; wide ranging appointments; on- and off-campus locations
Excellence Defined: Outcome 1. We achieve sustained, superior short and long term scientific research performance o I have a unique, independent research program based on high-quality, state-of-the-art science. o My research team (students, post-docs, research associates, etc.) and I produce peer-reviewed, refereed publications, and I can show a measure of their impact, though that measure may vary by discipline and individual o Where appropriate, I develop, protect, and extend my intellectual property into the commercial sector.
Excellence Defined: Outcome 1. We achieve sustained, superior short and long term scientific research performance o My program has peer recognition at the state, regional, national, and/or international levels. o My research team and I play significant roles in professional societies, regional research groups, etc., including leadership, organizational, and peer review responsibilities o I serve on institutional and/or proposal review panels o My graduate students and postdocs are successful in obtaining significant positions
Excellence Defined: Outcome 1. We achieve sustained, superior short and long term scientific research performance o Scientific, agency, or end-user communities support my program with their resources. o I provide collaborative support for the high-quality science programs of colleagues and peers, within or outside my discipline and the Institute.
Excellence Defined: Outcome 2. We engage and maintain a satisfied and loyal clientele o My research program addresses the needs of—and is linked to—a significant state, regional, national, or international end-user community. o I actively provide mechanisms for knowledge or technology transfer to the end user community.
Excellence Defined: Outcome 3. We attain a culture of highly engaged and loyal faculty, staff, and students with a passion for high performance o I support other faculty in their programs o I include other faculty in support of my program o I actively support the education of graduate and undergraduate students through involvement in research o I help build and maintain the infrastructure required for a successful department and Institute
Develop independent program; also work collaboratively Order of authorship is becoming less important Articulating your program: reader can tell that publications are from your program Collaborations are important – some, but not all, publications from collaborations Book chapters, books, other refereed venues Multi-State Project participation Seek high quality journals consistent with nature of the work Productivity level varies with discipline Utilize data for refereed and non-refereed publications Look for international programs opportunities, but make sure that appropriate metrics result
Faculty, graduate students, post-docs present at professional society meetings with abstract Serve on professional society committees Professional society journals: serve as peer reviewer Federal Agencies: serve as review panel member Associate: chair professional society committees, organize workshops/symposia, invited talks Associate: Editorship for professional society journals Associate: chair peer review panels for federal agencies Look for a range of opportunities (refereed and non-refereed) to present your work
Not all faculty programs result in protectable intellectual property; but, get to know UTRF There are probably more opportunities that we think for protection of your ideas Where appropriate file disclosure; work with UTRF during process Be actively engaged in licensing process Start-Up company formation – perhaps after tenure UTIA’s mission is to serve as an economic driver for the state’s economy
AgResearch & Education Center Network Take advantage of: o UTIA Sponsored Programs office o AgResearch Faculty Development Fellows Program o Travel grant opportunity (papers at scientific meetings) o Travel opportunity to visit federal agency program directors o Internal grants program o Equipment grant program o “Orange Team” proposal review