Structures & Strategies wk5
Key Concepts Information processing, problem-solving and decision making when working to develop and improve performance Key Concept 3 Identification of strengths and weaknesses in performance in terms of: roles and relationships; formations; tactical and design elements; choreography and composition Key Concept 2 The structures, strategies and/or compositional elements that are fundamental to activities Key Concept 1
Formations The successful application of a team strategy will depend on the combined tactical, physical and technical skills of the players involved. When planning your structure or strategy, it is essential that you consider your overall strengths and weaknesses.
Review Initial Data Collection
Question What information did you find about each stage of your own/your team’s performance from the Initial Data Collection?
Why do we collect data? To monitor the structure/strategy so that changes/improvements can be made. The team will also need to monitor effectiveness of structure/strategy so that training can be geared to take account of weaknesses. By collecting data this will help improve the structure/strategy in the long term.
Use of Data Collection To design a training programme you would collect information that is specific to basketball and be appropriate to your level of ability. For example of you were looking at your effectiveness in the fast break in basketball it would be useful to collect information about how successful you are at completing each stage of the fast break.
Question Describe in detail, one method you have used to gather information on your performance.
Homework – 23/09/11 Complete Homework Sheet 4 from the Course Outline Sheets