ATN2001 Rev New Kent Fisher, Program Manager Boeing Air Traffic Management Kent Fisher, Program Manager Boeing Air Traffic Management
Introduction Boeing’s plan Role of datalink Role of ATN
Boeing has a vested interest to succeed in enhancing capacity $30 billion annual core business linked to future capacity of air traffic system Created new business unit Growing rapidly Developing significant Washington D.C. presence Substantial internal investment Outside acquisitions Willing to consider investment in infrastructure and new forms of doing business with government Boeing is Committed to This Project
Significant capability and resources History of bringing safety certified, service ready products to market Boeing excels at requirements driven system integration $30 billion annual core business relying on success Why Boeing?
Boeing Suggests: An integrated set of significant system changes to assure sufficient capacity for the next years of growth, but builds upon existing improvement programs A requirements-driven process to achieve an integrated view of such a complex system A proven “Working Together” process to successfully consolidate stakeholder performance requirements for complex systems Participating on this team aligns stakeholder requirements and provides valuable feedback to each other A Comprehensive System Engineering Process is Necessary
Ops. Concept Requirements Trade Studies Synthesis Modeling/Analysis Requirements Architecture Spiral System Development System Objectives Rigorous Systems Engineering Approach
Document air traffic system operational requirements which ensure that long-term needs are met Prioritize operational requirements Document a minority opinion if necessary Make results available to everyone to develop solutions 6-Month Working Together Objectives
Integrated total system solution 3 fundamental features Trajectory-based flow planning, traffic planning and separation management Common information network Airspace design and procedures criteria Enabled with advanced space-based CNS Open system principles – growth for the future Phased implementation plan – builds on the FAA’s plan Working Together, using a systems engineering approach Concepts for Operational Changes
Airspace Design and Traffic Control Potential conflict Possible future position Ground hold Cleared to fly High traffic area Center boundaries In white Center boundaries In white Sector boundaries In purple Sector boundaries In purple Terminal Radar Control Areas (TRACON) Terminal Radar Control Areas (TRACON) Arrival / departure space Arrival / departure space Altitude (feet) Altitude (feet) 18,000 10,000 En route Voice Current National Airspace System
Airspace Redesign and Trajectory Management Airspace Redesign and Trajectory Management Potential conflict Tunnel through controlled airspace Ground hold Cleared to fly High traffic area Intended flight path No conflict Satellite Functions Communication Navigation Surveillance Processing High Altitude Airspace – Mega Center High Altitude Airspace – Mega Center Low Altitude Airspace – Regional Centers Low Altitude Airspace – Regional Centers En route And Transition En route And Transition Constant Data link Position Intent Weather Arrival/ Departure Space Arrival/ Departure Space Voice Fundamental Increase in Capacity Boeing Proposal
Less tactical, higher integrity plan New technical requirements for Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Does not give today’s separation data to the pilot Builds on today’s high density separation mechanisms Based on a shared, high integrity plan Trajectory-Based Separation Management
Common Information Network
GPS VOR DME LORAN TACAN DME MLS VHF ACARS SATCOM HF HFD Radar ADS Existing systems within the CNS infrastructure Communication Surveillance Navigation Synergistic Services Inherent Redundancy Navigation and timing Communication Global Communication Navigation Surveillance Boeing Surveillance Not historically integrated Today ILS A Paradigm Shift is Needed
Global CNS System (GCNSS) Architecture
Final Approach / Initial Departure 3 En Route Airport Surface 2 TMA Arrival / Departure 5 Approach/Departure Transition 4 Airspace and Flight Planning 1 1 BP1 Pre-departure Flow Replan Initial CIN BP2 Dynamic Appr Trajectories Terminal CIN BP1 + Post-Departure Flow Replan Augmented CIN BP2 + Extended Dynamic Trajectories Augmented Terminal CIN Full route Trajectory Separation Integration with re-planning function Integration with trajectory approach Full CIN Integration Full Satellite Integration BP3 Implementation Strategy
Note: dates of implementation require comprehensive support from stakeholders and government in the very near term. Ops. Concept Requirements Trade Studies Synthesis Modeling/Analysis Requirements Architecture Year Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Initial System BaselineUpdate Final Spiral System Development Incremental Deployment Full System Implementation Post Dispatch Flow Control Initial Trajectory Management Pre Dispatch Dynamic Flow Control Proposed Schedule Continuous Stakeholder Involvement Throughout Continuous Stakeholder Involvement Throughout Technically Achievable Transition Plan
Common Information Network Datalinks Air Traffic Services datalinks CPDLC Position Dynamic Re-routes Intent Weather GCNSS Air segment to space segment Space segment to ground segment Communication is Key to Boeing Plan
Data Link will be a part of the Boeing concept Re-routing requires flight plan uplink with loading Boeing has been supporting the Build 1 CPDLC function under TSA with AAL Other features inherent in the FAA CPDLC plan may also be required to support enhanced operations. Analysis of the operational concept will determine the complete requirements CPDLC Controller Pilot Data Link and The Boeing Concept
The communication link required performance has not yet been determined. Existing ACARS communication may be used in the early phases. A new, more robust protocol will be required for any application that reduces separation. Boeing has been working with AAL in the development of VDL Mode 2. ATN and the Boeing Concept
ATN is a candidate for air- ground ATS datalink Also a candidate for the air- space and space-ground links System Design Spiral: Mission level requirements will drive an operating concept that determines operational requirements ATN and the Boeing Concept
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