ТОШКЕНТ ТИББИЁТ АКАДЕМИЯСИ Development (perfection) of communication system between TMA and professional colleges: the problems and tasks Тошкент
1.Spirituality educational works 2.Educational methodical works 3.Practice organization works 4. the effective use of IRC fund 5.Improvement qualification and retraining of staffs 6.Correct use of material resources 7.Sport and sanitation works 8.Works with the talented pupils 9.Helping with the provision of employment of college graduators Directions
What does the cooperation with colleges bring us? cooperation 1.Cooperation – our government’s task 2.Cooperation – is the very good opportunity for improving of ТMА rating
How we can improve the Rating of TMA? 1.By forming of cooperation agreement 2.By publishing of monographs, textbooks and educational methodical aids in cooperation 3.By publishing in coauthors of scientific articles 4.By involvement of college’s teachers for scientific researches and grants 5.By conducting of lessons in colleges of our professors and teachers in pluralism and an hour 6.By providing of communication by web sites. Rating of TMA
1. 8 medical colleges of Tashkent city: 1 ва 2 Республика, Боровский номли, Олмазор, Чилонзор, Тошкент, ЎДК ва Сергели тиббиёт коллежлари 2. 6 colleges of Tashkent province: Зангиота, Янгийўл, Чирчиқ, Олмалиқ, Ангрен ва Бекобод тиббиёт коллежлари ҳамкорлик учун бириктириб берилди. COLLEGES
How we have organized the cooperation works? COOPERATION ТMАТMА Medical colleges
Measures Spirituality and educational measures
Юртимизда қабул қилинган ил More then 20 spirituality measures, More then 15 political and social lessons devoted of themes: 1. What do we know about ISIL? 2. What do we know about terrorism and extremism – the enemy of humanity 3. About dressing culture of our girls? Girls in Khidjab 4. about preparation of young generation for family? Reproductive health 5. AIDS, narcomany results and et cetra What about themes Spirituality and educational field
1. We should provide the participation of representatives of medical colleges in all spirituality educational measures. 2. We have to organize visits of college’s teachers and pupils for our medical museums, centers, modules, IRS and leading departments. 3. We must help in the works with backward and hard educated pupils of colleges. Our suggestions For improving of spirituality works
In educational methodical works Fillfilled works
In educational methodical works 1.More then 10 open lessons and lectures were organized: By following departments Одам анатомияси ва ОЖТА, биологик ва тиббий кимё ва тиллар кафедралари томонидан ўтказилди. 2. More then 30 lecture texts were created by departments: гистология ва тиббий биология, юқумли касалликлар, болалар касалликлари, асаб касаллик-лари, микробиология, ЖССТБ, кўз касал-ликлари, 4-5 курслар акушерлик ва гинекология кафедралари. Fullfilled works
In educational methodical works 3. Reviews for working programs and educational methodical aids were given: By 14 departments of TMA. 4. More then 10 seminars and round disputes were conducted for college teachers and pupils separately educational methodical aids and educational technologies models were created by following departments: Болалар касалликлари, ЖССТБ, УАШ педиатрия кафедралари томонидан яратилди. МУНДАРИЖАFullfilled works
1.We have lack of modern textbooks and methodical provision in professional subjects 2.Few number of seminars and conferences about cooperation problems in educational methodical direction 3.It is necessary to disseminate the achievements of TMA for medical colleges and cooperate in creation of new generation literature for colleges. Problems In educational methodical works
Knowing english is the requirement of time 1.There is no teacher having STC certification 2.There is no teacher having of IELTS certification. 3.Only 10-15% of colleges graduators have fluent English. Problems
What we should do in future 1.We should joint the specialty departments of TMA and colleges in professional clinical subjects 2.We must help in creation of new generation literature for colleges 3.We have to organize open lessons and lectures only in english for college pupils 4.We should invite college teachers for integral lectures which conduct in TMA Decision of problems
The development of informational resources – is the requirement of time Without developing of IRCs we can not achieve good results. Requirement
What about situation in IRC? ANALYSIS The IRCs are very different (from up to sources), most of literature of professional subjects are very old. There is a few literature in electronic types (up to 240 pieces), there no putting on electronic catalogue system in it. We have a few number of literatures in English for professional subjects. There is no communication by web-site between TMA and colleges, there is no informational exchange in electronic type.
1.We should give practical help in creation of electronic informational basis in professional subjects and in putting on electronic catalogue program. 2.We have to help for enriching literature fund in English language 3.We must create Cooperation page in website for provision of communication. 4.We have to make conditions for using of IRC fund of TMA by college teachers and pupils 5.We should give the practical recommendations and suggestions for increasing of rating of college’s sites. OUR TASKS FOR IMPROVING OF CONDITION OF IRCs
Who are teaching? Provision of staffs in colleges
-We have improved of 123 teachers in 2013 and 142 teachers from colleges in 2014 in Branch center of improving qualification in TMA. -We have organized a lot of exchanges experience and seminars in professional fields during the improvement period in our clinical depаrtments. Fulfilled works In improvement of teacher’s qualification
-We must defined teachers who has ability to do research work and involve them for grants and research works -To publish scientific articles in coauthors with college’s teachers. -To organize short specialty training courses ( hour) in our clinical departments, -Thematical and training courses and others. SUGGESTIONS In noninterrupted development
We have organized competitions of chest and volleyball between colleges. We organized the meetings with colleges teachers and pupils for popularization of sport. What did we do? Sport and sanitation works
Works with talented pupils Young biologist “Medical generation” What did we do?
1.Provision of participation of colleges representatives in all sport measures. 2.Increasing of competition types between colleges OUR TASKS IN SPORT AND SANITATION WORKS IN WORKS WITH TALENTED PUPILS Conduction of competitions of young biologist, young chemists, skilled nurses, skilled assistant of doctor, farmaceuts and et cetra between talented pupils of colleges. We suggest to placed all winner of competitions to our website.
1.By decreasing the number of attached colleges – at educational year we will work with 4 colleges from Tashkent city and 3 colleges from Syrdarya province. 2.By organization of coordinating cooperating groups according the cooperational directions 3.By widely using of informational technologies, internet, perfection of cooperation between specialty departments of TMA CONCLUSIONS
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! THANK YOU Тузувчилар: Баймаков С.Р., Усманова Ш.Ф.