Searching For Order Chapter 30. Describe two positive changes that took place during Richard Nixon’s time as President. Nixon was able to establish a.


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Presentation transcript:

Searching For Order Chapter 30

Describe two positive changes that took place during Richard Nixon’s time as President. Nixon was able to establish a relationship with China, even traveling there. Nixon established a better relationship with Communist Countries (détente)

Describe two positive changes that took place during Richard Nixon’s time as President. Nixon signed the SALT agreement with the Soviet Union limiting Nuclear weapons. /speeches/ping-pong- diplomacy-in- china#ping-pong- diplomacy-in-china

What was Watergate? Describe how it lead to the end of Nixon’s Presidency. Nixon was fearful of losing the 1972 election. He had ties to people that broke into the Democratic headquarters. They had recording equipment.

What was Watergate? Describe how it lead to the end of Nixon’s Presidency. Nixon won the election but the scandal blew up when reporters Woodward and Bernstein continued to follow up on leads. Nixon actually had audio tapes that proved he knew about Watergate and the cover up.

Describe the effect Title IX had on American Life. Title IX banned discrimination based on gender in educational settings that receive public money. It has allowed women to Participate in sports and get college scholarships in all fields like medicine law.

What was affirmative action? Describe the effect it had on American life? Affirmative Action is the practice of giving nonwhites and women special consideration for past discrimination

Why did so many Americans respond to the novel Silent Spring? Silent Spring let people know that humans were also impacted by the chemicals and pollution that was being put in to the water supply. The first Earth Day was celebrated in 1970.

Describe how the 3 mile Island accident impacted the energy crisis of the 1970’s President Carter had hoped to limit the effect of not having oil by using nuclear power. The melt down at 3 mile island scared people and made them not want to explore Nuclear Power

What was the Iran Hostage Crisis? How did this effect the Presidency of Jimmy Carter? The Iran Hostage Crisis was when US backed Shah of Iran was overthrown by the Ayatollah Khomeini. Students then stormed the US Embassy and took 90 (66) Americans hostage. This caused a lack of confidence in President Carter

Describe what Reagonomics were. Reagan’s tax policy that called for tax cuts allowing businesses to make money and expand…giving people jobs.

What negative took place during the Presidency of Raegan in regards to South America and Communism Congress voted to stop sending money to Nicaragua (they were trying to stop communism). The Reagan governement sold weapons to Iran in order to get money to give to the “Contras”. This was known as the Iran-Contra scandal.

What positive took place during the Presidency of Reagan in regards to Communism and the Soviet Union? Reagan established better relations with the Soviets and their leader Mikhail Gorbachev. Reagan gave a speech in Berlin encouraging the Soviets to tear the Berlin Wall down and allow travel and trade between East and West.