1 Agenda Topic: Verification Strategy (Atmosphere) Presented By: Geoff DiMego (NCEP/EMC) Contributors: Stan Benjamin, Stephen Weygandt, Bonny Strong (ESRL/GSD) Fanglin Yang (IMSG at NCEP/EMC) Ying Lin (NCEP/EMC), Tara Jensen (NCAR/DTC) Perry Shafran, Binbin Zhou (IMSG at NCEP/EMC) Guang Ping Lou, Tracey Dorian (IMSG at NCEP/EMC) Keith Brill (IMSG at NCEP/WPC)
2 Operational System Attributes-1 System NameAcronymAreal Coverage Horz Res Cycle FreqFcst Length Grid versus observation: Verifies NAM, NAM nests, FireWx nest, HiResWindow, DGEX, RAP, HRRR, SREF, CMAQ ozone & PM2.5, and GFS plus developmental parallels of all models grid2obsVarious3-km thru 12-km Hourly for NAM/nests/H RRR, RAP, 3- hourly for all others 15 hr thru 87 hr Grid versus grid (gridded truth) including single and ensemble grid2gid Global, CONUS, Alaska Various QPF verificationpcpverif ConUS: 24h/6h FSS; 24h/3h SL1L2 and contingenc y table- based (FHO) scores. AK, HI, PR: 24h SL1L2 and FHO. Multiple horizon talgrids ranging from 4.8km to 80km 24h, 6h, 3h 84h for NAM, up to 192h for GFS and DGEX. Other models: to the extent of forecast length or available data (in case of int’l models) Cyclone track: Using model output data including analyses and forecasts. The models include, GFS, GEFS, NAM, SREF, CMC, CENS, ECMWF, EENS, NVGM, FENS, UKMET TrackerGlobal & regional Vario us 2- & 4-per day 84hr- 180hr
3 Operational System Attributes-2 System NameAcronymAreal CoverageHorz Res Cycle Freq Fcst Length Grid versus observation (for global NWP models, including GFS and ECMWF) grd2obNH, SH, Tropics, and CONUS 1.0-deg4/day168hr Grid versus grid (gridded truth) (for global NWP models, see grid2gidNH, SH, Tropics, and CONUS 2.5-deg 4/day384hr QPF verification (for global NWP models, including objected-oriented and ETS scores) MODECONUS13km4/day168hr Cyclone track (for global NWP models)hurtrackAtlantic, Western Pacific, Eastern Pacific 0.25-deg4/day126hr GFS/GDAS data assimilation monitoringDAglobalvarious4/day6hr
4 Why System(s) are Operational Primary stakeholders and requirement drivers Developers and users both internal and external Operational system decision makers, funding / portfolio / system managers Research community (potential code contributors), private sector, universities What products are the verification tools contributing to? Improvement of NWP systems via long-term & comparative record of performance Myriad of stats, verification statistic database (VSDB), MySQL database Web pages & display using FVS, Perl-based web, GRADS, and/or METviewer What product aspects are you trying to improve with your development plans? Enhance, streamline & simplify 3 components of verification: 1. calculation of error/skill scores; 2. database storage & retrieval; 3. Web display (static images and interactive capability) Community code model [METviewer at EMC and flexible html viewer (MATS = Model Assessment Tool Suite) maintained within repository at ESRL/GSD/EMB for HIWPP] Rapid Update Analysis would provide gridded truth for many fields Top 3 System Performance Strengths Flexible: deterministic & ensemble guidance, myriad of stats & metrics, portable Content for all models, long records of stats, stored in database, retrievable Accessible, locally at least, familiar to developers, interactivity Top 3 System Performance Challenges Separate complex systems across the agency & enterprise, no common repository Access, reliability & user support is lacking, more user friendly, limitations remain Lack of reliable truth fields and need for quality control of obs
5 System Evolution Over the Next 5 Years Major forcing factors Major dev efforts e.g. NGGPS, WOF require fast, flexible verif to make reapid progress Need a shared & unified verification system that spans global-scale to storm-scale Challenges of verifying/detecting features, svr wx, clouds, etc & their attributes Science and development priorities Unification & sharing of common codes for all required verification capabilities Enhanced diagnostics & graphics including spatial distribution of errors & model difs Enhancements: obs impact monitoring, octahedral & cube-sphere projections, sub 1km spacings, using more sat prod, non-PrepBUFR (e.g. Aeronet) and RapUpdAnal Ens. PBS stat type to support reliability diagrams, Brier Score, decomp of Brier Score, and Brier Skill Score against the sample climatology. What are you top challenges to evolving the system(s) to meet stakeholder requirements? Unification & sharing of common codes for all required verification capabilities Resources: personnel, compute, storage, training, common computer workspace Utilizing & QC of new data sources, and validating new techniques for verification Potential opportunities for simplification going forward Building a unified, fast, flexible, comprehensive verification system (incorporating MET/METViewer and HIWPP/EMB elements / features) will GREATLY facilitate the most rapid skill improvement for all NCEP model systems [WPC adopting MET too] Partnering is more common e.g. Stony Brook R2O proj & hazards detection Using scripting languages (e.g. python) and workflow managers (e.g. Roccoto)
6 Top 3 Things You Need From the UMAC 1.Push for INVESTMENT in and unification of verification across the enterprise: MET/METviewer versus MATS versus in-house written systems. EMC, NGGPS, WOF, FACETS really need this.