Jeopardy $100 CultureGeographyspeakingmeaning $200 $300 $400 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 $500 $400 $300 $200 $100 By: Jonathan Bates
1 - $100 What fun bright thing that requires gunpowder did the Chinese invent? What fun bright thing that requires gunpowder did the Chinese invent? What is fireworks What is fireworks
1 - $200 What food do Chinese people have with every meal? What food do Chinese people have with every meal? What is White Rice What is White Rice
1 - $300 What is the language most used in china? What is the language most used in china? What is Chinese (mandarin) What is Chinese (mandarin)
1 - $400 What is the national animal in china? What is the national animal in china? What is panda What is panda
1 - $500 Around what year did people first settle in china? Around what year did people first settle in china? What is 5000 Bc What is 5000 Bc
2 - $100 What is the capital of china? What is the capital of china? What is beijing What is beijing
2 - $200 Which continent is china located in? Which continent is china located in? What is Asia What is Asia
2 - $300 What are the names of the two major rivers in china? What are the names of the two major rivers in china? What is Yellow and Yangzi river What is Yellow and Yangzi river
2 - $400 How big is china? How big is china? What is 4 th largest country in the world What is 4 th largest country in the world
2 - $500 What is the name of the largest mountain in the world that is located in china? What is the name of the largest mountain in the world that is located in china? What is the Himalayas What is the Himalayas
3 - $100 How do you say “hello” in Chinese? How do you say “hello” in Chinese? What is Ni Hao What is Ni Hao
3 - $200 How do you say “I have a dad” in Chinese How do you say “I have a dad” in Chinese What is Wo you ba ba What is Wo you ba ba
3 - $300 How do you say “ I like red apples” in Chinese? How do you say “ I like red apples” in Chinese? What is wo xi huan hong se ping gou What is wo xi huan hong se ping gou
3 - $400 How do you say “I want beef and also I want cooked rice?” in Chinese? How do you say “I want beef and also I want cooked rice?” in Chinese? What is wo yao niurou ye yao mifan What is wo yao niurou ye yao mifan
3 - $500 How do you say “I have a little doll in Chinese? How do you say “I have a little doll in Chinese? What is wo you yi ge xiao wa wa What is wo you yi ge xiao wa wa
4 - $100 What does wo mean? What does wo mean? What is I What is I
4 - $200 What does wo shi mei gou ren mean? What does wo shi mei gou ren mean? What is I am american What is I am american
4 - $300 What does wo xi huan lu se pu tao mean? What does wo xi huan lu se pu tao mean? What is I like green grapes What is I like green grapes
4 - $400 What does wo ai ma ma ba ba mean? What does wo ai ma ma ba ba mean? What is I love mom and dad What is I love mom and dad
4 - $500 What does wo de aihao diannao youxi mean? What does wo de aihao diannao youxi mean? What is my hobby is computer games What is my hobby is computer games